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And I was runnin' far away

Would I run off the world


Nobody knows, nobody knows

And I was dancing in the rain

I felt alive and I can't


But no, take me home

Take me home where I belong

I can't take it anymore

                     -- Runaway by Aurora

'this life feel endless, but at least now I have someone to spend time with' Aleksander Morozova


Day have gone to week

Week turn to year

And year have finally become decade

That is how long have Lunetta live. How long have she left her beloved home in exchange of her freedom. Now alone within the wilderness with no one but herself, she see people come and go. She decided to stay for a while at a near by village for a refreshment of view. The villager was kind enough to let her stay. At least they accepted her.

Every day she went through a lot.
The first year of surviving was not easy, not many place accept her. More like her kind.....


That is what she is now. This is what her identity is  She could feel it in her vein, she may not use it for a bigger purpose.But this is her power. The fire was not only on her hand.

But in her heart also...

She could feel it burning everyday.....

Have she regret her decision? Maybe...

She can't turn back time. The past is the past, That what she always remind her mind. Now what she must do is survive. At least in the village she is useful. Many ask for her help with making fire for winter to warm their bodies , some even ask her to clearing land, with a very large payment.

That is her life now, fortunately as year goes by grisha was getting more and more accepting. Tho still in some place people dislike their presence.

Grisha  now was seen as superior, some know them as  the soldiers of the Second Army. Someone that held power that no ordinary people have. That how they all survive. Being different and having power or some call "small science" is what make grisha respected, feared for those people who tend to shut them self away.

This is her life...
Living as usual nothing special
She wakes up, eat breakfast, went to the bar she's working at until the midnight shift , went home go to sleep and return the same activity all around again.

Tho, in her heart it beat for more...

This is not what she want,
She wanted a life of adventure
Where she travels not knowing the field right a head just feeling the winds take her where she feels like it.

But she can't,
She didn't have the gut to go out alone. Her mind may wanders to the many places even one that she couldn't reach but her body and heart doesn't have the courage to make that to happen.

There are sometimes where she want to give up. To just give in into what he want. she feel lost. To just fall into in his arm knowing that he will catch her.

Aleksander,man of many names, many sins ,now he was known as General Kirigan. The General to the kingdom, leader of the Second army. The mighty shadow summoner. He have offer her help, offered her a place in the little palace. Convincing her that the little palace is her home. He tried telling her to come with him she will be safe, he reassured. She could learn to be a proper grisha, a grisha that know her ability. She could be the master of the small science. A real grisha. A grisha that can help the war.

Every now and then he would come visit her, asking her the same question. Even in other occasion he come to the bar, he would clear the bar and have dinner with her. In which it either ended they up dancing in a slow paces, where they just stare at each other eye. Intoxicating each other with their presence Or in such time, sometimes they ended up in her house, in her bed intertwining their bodies together. It feel sacred. It feel like love, it feel wild. The feeling was all wrapped up in one touch. Sometimes she wonder if she still falling for him? .

She could feel his touch. It burn her with desire. She know he could feel it. The slow burn of euphoric feeling of their skin in each other arm, the very sound of pleasure that escape their mouth as they lay with each other. All of that feel magical.

But at the end of the night, she will always wonder....

What are they?

Does this mean anything?

They never do say what they are. Never really talk about each other feeling. They just enjoy each other company.

There are no strings attached. She never really excepted anything to him. But that little moment with him intermittently brings spark in her. Something that make her feel alive, that warm feeling of someone that comfort her. Someone that truly know her.

Pull out of her thought, this night really are young and slow. It feels like it has absorb all her strength.

Her night shift just ended. The bar was really full tonight. Intense is the word she would say.swearing, yelling, whistling was all she could hear.  Many people come just to  gamble, some  just here for a drink ,high tables and stools, long bar, hanging glass racks, mirror behind the bar. She did it all, in and out. Bartender the server.

Exhausted now as she walk back home. In her mind all she could think is a warm bath that she couldn't wait to embrace her stiff and tired body. Opening her door she was greet with a darkness with a glint of the moon light that shines in the dark room.

"Lunetta" a voice called out for her.That voice, that intoxicating voice of a man, always brings chill down her body.

As she enter the house, she finally she him. In the shadowy way there he stood. In his glory, his dark aura intimidated her, she could see his shadow was lingering around the room. There he just stood there waiting for her. Patiently...


° Dancing in the Moonlight  °  Aleksander Morozova Where stories live. Discover now