💫 Social Season Sequal (Part 9) (Smut) 💫

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(y/n) - your name

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(y/n) - your name

(s/n) - sisters name

(y/f/n) - your full name

(s/f/n) - sisters full name

(l/n) - last name


The night air was cold but sweet, the moon full and bright amongst the stars as the land was silent. (y/n) knew it was too late for anyone to be awake as she walked through the Hagreeves gardens, taking in the field of flowers that surrounded her. She couldn't sleep, her mind racing with thoughts of Five. He wanted to try and talk to her but once again, she was avoiding his confrontation knowing it was about the wedding. She couldn't break her sister's heart who had also fallen in love with him.

(y/n) sat down in one of the gardens gazebos, sighing out as she stared up at the ceiling of flowers dangling down above her. "What are you doing out here?" the Viscountess jumped and turns around to find Five walking up to the gazebo.

"Sorry, I'll go-"

"-no, no, please stay (y/n)-"

"-you were here first."

"I was just leaving." Five smiles seeing out frantic (y/n) was, teasing her.

"But this is your house..." (y/n) chuckles lightly, breathing out shakily as Five comes to sit down next to her.

"You have been avoiding me..." (y/n) looked away, not wanting to face Five and it was too late to walk away too.

"I'm not-"

"-even now you are avoiding me." Five holds (y/n)'s chin and turns her head to have her look at him.


"-we need to talk about the wedding." this was not something (y/n) wanted to talk about.

"There's nothing to talk about." Five narrowed his eyes, slowly losing his patience.

"So you really don't want to stop the wedding?"

"I didn't say that-"

"-then what is it!?" Five stands up. "You know that it is you that I desire, so why do you want this wedding to continue!?"

"I don't want it to continue!" (y/n) throws her hands up in the air, also standing up. "But it has to in order for my sister to be happy and for none of us to tarnish the reputation of our families! What do you think the ton will say if the wedding the Queen herself is organising fails!?"

"Screw them! I do not care what they say!"

"Easier for you to say! I can't let them say cruel things about my sister!"

"And how do you think she will feel!? How do you think I will feel if I am to marry her and inextricably be tied to you!?" Five pants out, frustrated that the woman he wanted was fighting against him. "Every day and every night my dreams will only be filled with you! Every single day of my marriage will be filled with wanting you!"

Five Hargreeves x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now