S3E3: One Stop at a Time ...for Stillness Immotion

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Several miles away from Friska's lab, the scene pans over to a particular area. That being a wide, open field of grass -- a naturally trimmed patch compared to the surrounding forest. Occupying this piece of nature are two pieces of machinery. The N-24 Hopper, and the turtle automaton Doc -- both of which are currently placed far apart from each other.

Doc: [looking at something in the distance]...

As for what's right in literal center field, that would be a familiar pair of spark-sprinkling cyclones. Except this time, it's kept brief -- as the two-nandos soon put a pin in their spinning. Now that that's done, we're able to get a better look at them.

Although, in their case...

Umeme: [revealed to be wearing a blindfold] Ok -- you ready, Radi?

Radi: [likewise] Pfft -- when am I ever never?

And so with crackling currents crawling 'cross their cores once more, the cheetah and peregrine proceed to purposefully, continuously shock themselves. A stunt pulled not too long ago back on the moon -- minus the lack of O2, fortunately. But why do this a second time? The answer -- well, that's exactly what they're looking for right now.

The two begin to zip n' stop multiple times, across multiple different directions. Their pattern of movement nearly matches that of a tiger beetle. An insect known for moving so (relatively) fast, it has to stop just to see where the hell it even is. However, sight is a luxury neither speedster can afford at the moment. Though that doesn't mean they bother with the other four senses either. Instead, their focus is on an entirely new sense.

Makes sense, right?

Radi: ... ... ...

Umeme: ... ... ..!!

Well sure enough, it does for the cheetah. As he continues his low-level self shockage, the right side of his body picks up an immediate tingly sensation. Sudden, yet just what Umeme's been waiting for. And despite going in blind (folded) he allows this peculiar feeling to serve as a guide. Putting all his trust in what he can't see.

And as for Radi...

Radi: [he's uh... sorta just going in circles at this point]...

Not Umeme though; What was at first just aimless paces here and there, has now beelined into a set direction. At a swift yet steady speed, the tingling can now be felt all over his body. Growing more and more excited -- more and more ecstatic the closer he gets to-

Friska: (off-screen) Stop!!

Come to an abrupt halt. (So much for a lil' follow-through). As soon as Umeme shuts off his shocks and takes off his blinds, he sees clear as day that he almost ran right into the Hopper. With Friska seated inside the opened cockpit, shown in a two-handed "Stop!!" gesture.

Friska: ... [throws him a wink to go with it]~

Umeme: [Throws one back, along with a thumbs up for good measure. He then turns around to see Radi's "progress"]... Shooould we tell him he might as well stop now?

Friska: [sees it too]... Five more minutes.

5+ minutes later...

The (5 - 1) Revo-lutionists are now regrouped near the hovercraft after that little test. One of whom having aced it.

Umeme: Welp, I guess what happened back on the moon wasn't just luck after all.

Radi: Okay -- so what was it exactly?

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