O Blue Cowboy

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O' Blue Cowboy
Navigate dry desert,
sacrifice life to a barren plain.

O' Blue Cowboy set your weary boots on my porch,
drink misery with whisky,
and count stars under storm.

O' Blue Cowboy
Be careful of rattlesnakes,
The sun seasons upon us.

O' Blue Cowboy Bandits run about,
horses graze on gore,
your revolver shines in light.

O' Blue Cowboy the desert isn't providing gold and grain.

O' Blue Cowboy
Whisper your affair with the moon in the sky.

O' Blue Cowboy the lifeblood of trade is exchanged in pieces of twine.
Cacti are shadows of men,
bleeding on salt lakes
Drenched in gasoline.

O' Blue Cowboy
Kiss me with affection,
I inhale your smoke,
Now my lungs are full of spiders and leaves.

O' Blue Cowboy don't spill the secrets of the past
Locked in treasure chests,
and engraved in gold.

O' Blue Cowboy you've robbed me blind.

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