Oblivious Strangers

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Am I a fake person?

My personality changes day to day.
I'm different when I'm online,
but my voice stays the same.

I don't feel any different,
but I might tell you more,
than if I would with you next to me,
talking face to face.

Maybe I don't like the sound of my own voice,
maybe I like the comfort of anonymity.

To know that the person on the other side,
doesn't know who I am,
truly, on the outside.

But then again it scares me,
they do not know me.

I do not know them.

Does that devalue our friendship,
If they do not know my face?

It's a strange sense of insecurity,
but it's a false sense of safety.

Is the person I portray,
whenever I turn on my phone,
the same person I see in my reflection?

A true persona,
a real copy?

Am I your friend,
or is the person typing on the other side,
a line of code on a screen.

Maybe we're all incomplete,
giving away ourselves,
in every second we're online.

Every person I talk to,
holds pieces of me,
as I express myself in WASD and !!??,
I give you a piece of my identity.

Every stranger knows me,
more than I know myself.

They know in the way I write,
in the way I consume media,
and in the way I relax into obscurity.

Am I a fake person?
Sometimes even I can't tell.

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