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Bless my heart
told I'm wandering amongst the stars
brought to land I don't quite understand
spilled naivety and found no decency
deception calls my name
my heart bared deeply
a prize to be won
competition yet to be sprung
yet the gods above do not weep freely
a shudder consumes me completely.

Worship catches you in its eye
bated breath ripples into laughs
you catch my refusals in your teeth
pull me close
eyes shut
my heart a-beat
stolen protests
blown out like a candle
dripping wax
and scorching pacts
binding never lax
choking me off at the neck
opening me up at the touch.

Soft lips press deceit not mercy
into my buzzing skin
I rupture at the touch
you whisper sweetly
tell me I'm a sculpture of Aphrodite beauty
to be caressed like godly beloved monuments
turned into not a lover
but a statue.

I am declawed
and I am untusked
anguishing on your alter
you feed me wine til I can no longer cry
the sounds trapped within
basking in wrath
I'm soaked in depravity
innocence depraved by sin.

Bash my head in
my wound a statement to confess
pulling enlightenment from my rot
your lips slipt from a manic smile
licking blood dripping from my rapture
my teeth pulled free
and the trumpets swell
to the tunes of euthanized frenzy 
fractured like ancient history.

Euphoria is my name
yet I plead for it to be changed
I arc my back
I claw my palms
I submit deeply to my own lust
and I feel the burn of hell
start to scorch me on the spot
chaining me to a nightmare that will never stop.

The dagger cuts and marks me yours
drawing out my still-beating heart
I'm reborn in aching pain
hands explore freely
no longer gentle
no longer acting with a veil of mercy
my Olympia,
no longer a virtue of my safety
now I'm erotic in my repulsive pain.

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