The Wedding

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It was a beautiful wedding. Gorgeous even. So why the hell am I so unhappy? I thought I was prepared. I thought I loved her more than anything.

The one and only Hinata Hyuga, the smartest Hyuga there is...

I turned, seeing Sasuke, his face saddened and his face paler than usual. It was odd because he was always really pale.

Then I knew.

I should have never agreed to marry her.


I sat at the bar, tipsy already as I already drank quite a bit. But I held my liquor well. Me and Hinata, spending lots of time together. It was the best idea, except now the purple haired girl was clinging onto me, slurring that she's not drunk.

She'd waver as she concentrated on speaking. It got kind of annoying. But I loved her, so I didn't care.

"Ahh, you're so drunk..." I laughed, holding her body upwards so she didn't fall.

"Druuuunnkkk? Hmmmph... " She hiccuped.

I smiled, seeing her waver again, holding onto the bar counter tightly.

"Ugh, take your girlfriend home already..." A voice said behind me in annoyance. "What?" I looked back, seeing a pale man. He looked familiar, but I couldn't tell from where.

"She's disrupting everyone else. Take her home." He groaned, taking a sip of wine. "Tch... How is she disrupting everyone...." I sighed.

"Have you not heard her? She's being incredibly loud..."

"Bars are always loud."

"With her yelling, she's louder than three bars combined."

"Ahh, get over it already... "

"No, she's annoying me."

The arguing went on for what seemed like forever. But eventually I left, just because he wouldn't give up the fight, and I wasn't feeling too good anyway. I took Hinata home with me and we lied in bed, falling asleep really quickly.


Brrrrnnngggg, brrrrnnnnnggg...

My alarm blared loudly. "Agh!" I grunted, holding my head tightly as a migraine hit.

I hate hangovers so much...

I looked over to the other side of the bed to see Hinata gone. Already?... Why does she always do that.... Her work doesn't start for another hour...

I stood up, trying to get ahold of the horrid headache I had. Right, I have work... I should go get ready before I'm late...

Making my way to the bathroom, I changed and brushed my teeth, looking at my zombie like face. It was only 6 am, and since I stayed up until 3, I hardly got any sleep.

I laughed, looking at my really exhausted looking face. It's not the best face to have when you only started a job a few days ago.

Ah, that reminds me...

They said they had some kind of surprise.

That damn job, they're probably gonna give me an assignment already! I bet they'll pile it up, too.

I walked out of the bathroom, groaning and yawing. "Hunny.... I made breakfast for you!" Hinata said in her soothing tone of voice.

"Ah... Thank you." I grabbed the plate, placing it on the table and sat down to eat. "Oh my... You look nice!" She blushed, looking at my suit and hair which was not my usual messy hair or street clothing.

"Hahaha... You too."

I dug into my food. She was an amazing cook. She could make anything homemade and it would taste great.

"Don't worry about cleaning the dish... I'll do it, but you should go to work earlier." She said with a smile.

"Uh-huh... Why do you get up so early anyway..." I mentioned as I ate. "Uh... I'm just an early bird I guess."

I nodded, eventually leaving to my car. I made it to the office building, which was white and gray for the most part.

"Ah, there you are!" A man said, bowing to greet me. I smiled, bowing back. Another man walked up behind them. Shikamaru Naara. He was famous for his brains.

A genius, nonetheless. "Hello, Naruto! We've been expecting you... Even though it's a drag, we wanted you to meet somebody." He said with a sigh.

"Ah... Is this that surprise or whatever?" I questioned, moving past the guards and along with Shikamaru who was leading me somewhere.

"Yeah. A very important one. The person you're going to meet will be your boss. They'll control how much you work and how you'll work on it." He said calmly, leading me on and on past people who were in their own workspaces with only the sound of typing.

"Of course, I am the main boss of all of you, so you will still have work under me. They will just be your.. partner, if that's what you want to call it."

I nodded, sighing as I thought of what random person I'd have to be teamed up with. I hated partnership, they'd always mess up my work.

"Here it is." Shikamaru led me to a room which looked to be my new office. A man stood in front of the window, fixing his tie.


Sasuke Uchiha."

The Wedding ~ NaruSasuWhere stories live. Discover now