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"since Sasuke is not here, I'm going to help you along here and there instead." Shikamaru said.

I felt sort of.. dead. I didn't want to do anything. I didn't have any ambition. It was weird, I've never felt like this.

"...right." I answered. Shikamaru went on with what we needed to get done for this week.

Right now, I want to go look for Sasuke. I want him. Did he really move on? That quick? I guess he is an Uchiha... They're known for being cold. But I thought Sasuke was different.

I don't know... "Naruto, you'll be doing this part of the file. Hey, Naruto?" He tapped my shoulder.

"Sasuke...?" I muttered, visioning him. But instead it faded into who was really there -- Shikamaru.

"Ah... Sorry." I plastered a fake smile on my face. "Could you repeat that?" Shikamaru sighed. "You're not paying attention at all..."

"I'm sorry." My eyes fell to the ground. "I just.. want to go home right now. I need to sleep."

"Seriously? You're never here anymore..  you'll end up getting fired if you keep this up. Sasuke's about to be fired, too..." Shikamaru groaned, getting a cigarette pack out of his pocket. "Whatever. Go ahead. I'm gonna go out for a smoke, but feel free to call me." He insisted.

"Yeah, got it..." I muttered.
And when I got home, I slept all day, not bothering to go to work from them on. It's not like Sasuke would randomly be there anyway.

I should really get some air. So I decided to go to a nearby park. I took my phone with me, just in case Sasuke called or messaged.

"Hmph.. not at all..." I grumbled.

Come to think of it, ever since Sasuke left, my life has become a wreck. No matter what I keep thinking of him.

It's insane how attached I've really gotten to him... And in such a short amount of time. part of me hates Hinata for making him leave, but at the same time, I'm mad at myself for letting him go like that and not breaking with Hinata quickly enough.

I felt water rushing to my eyes as I thought of it. I decided that being outside in a park like this didn't help at all, so I decided to take my car to go home.

There wasn't a point in coming out here after all. "Fucking hell..." I grabbed the steering wheel roughly. My teeth gritted together as I felt myself getting even more mad at me.

As I drove past all of the signs to my work building, I got reminded. No matter what, Sasuke won't leave my mind. It's frustrating. I'm supposed to hate him after what he did, and once I finally understood my feelings, it was too late.

I pulled into the parking lot to my apartment, getting out slowly. I was a little hunched over as I walked, since I was so tired and had gotten no sleep due to thinking about Sasuke all night.

Ah.. what's that sound? I listened closely as I walked up the steps. Settle breathing...

Somebody was in front of my door.
I turned as I went up the steps to reach my apartment, and saw somebody I was amazed to see.

Sasuke Uchiha.

My eyes widened immensely, watching as Sasuke turned over, his eyes deadened.

"No fucking way..."

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