Get Used to It

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Sasuke was surprised but he soon grinned. "Haha, now you're the one begging?"

My hand reached towards his sweat pants, reaching under his boxers. "So what if I am?"

I stroked his dick, which quickly became erect. "Ah! W-what are you doing...?!" He looked down at my hand, moving at a slow rhythm. "Do you want more?"

I grabbed his hand, bringing it under my pants and boxers, allowing him to touch me. "Don't be afraid.."

"Touch me. I know you want to."

His angry face soon turned to pleasure as I stroked it faster. "Y-you're crazy!"

"Get used to it."

"Nngh.." he flinched. "D-don't... Just... Do that! Ah, shit," he grabbed it, rubbing it in his hand.

"What do you want me to do then?" I questioned, pausing in my tracks, not moving a muscle. He stopped too.

"Don't just put me on the spot like that..." Sasuke groaned from the sudden stop in pleasure.

"Tell me what you want. Or I can't give it to you." I smiled. I wanted to hear him say it.

"Y-you idiot!!!"

"What do you want, Sasuke?" I said softly. His face turned bright red, like a tomato.

I smirked seeing him. I stood on my knees, pushing him down on the couch and pulling his pants off. I pressed fingers inside to prepare him. "What is it? What do you want? Hm?"

"I.. I want.. you... Agh.."

I took my fingers out, immediately pushing myself inside of him. "You're a pervert, Sasuke."

I pressed his knees down so I could reach deeper, making him moan louder. "Ah! Agh..! Mm!"

"This is what you wanted? " I questioned with a chuckle. "Did you enjoy it last time that much? Tell me, how did it feel?"


"...hah.. you're not gonna talk?" I sighed.

I paused, not moving. I grabbed his dick, covering the top. "Answer me. Did you like it?"

"Ah, s-shit!" He threw his neck back, trying to move my arm away. "Sasuke."

"I-i enjoyed it... Just move your hand...!"

I laughed, moving it away, and cum immediately splurged onto his stomach. "Ah... Hah..." He panted.

I smiled. "We're not done yet. I haven't came. I'm just getting started..."

His eyes widened. "Haha..." I laughed, shoving myself into him harder, thrusting in and out.

"Ah! Mmh!" He moaned.

"Ah." I let out a small moan. "You're still so tight. Was I your first time?"

"N-no .. mmf! No way...!"

I smiled at his crazy red face. "Your body always reacts instantly. Do you love me? Hm?~"

His eyes went wide, and he didn't answer right away. "Ah," he panted through his moans.

"You're so cute. And pretty." I admitted, laughing to myself. It makes me want to break up with Hinata. I want to. I have suspicions that she's seeing someone else anyway, but we have a wedding planned... My parents are betting on this. But how can I explain to news of our now broken relationship?

Hahhh, I don't even want to think about it...

I'll just enjoy the moment...

"Mmh-!" I flinched, my stomach feeling weird.

Haha... I came pretty quickly after him..? I don't think I have ever came that quickly since...

"Agh... " Sasuke grunted.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to cum inside of you..."

"I-idiot..." He smiled softly.

"Let's shower together!" I grinned. "W-what?!"
"What's the matter?? Hehehe..."


"Nnn..." I squinted. He's still here, good. "Sasuke..." I grabbed his hand, his eyelashes still, his breathing slow and steady.

A creak? Ah!... The time!!

"...Naruto? I'm -" she paused to see me beside Sasuke. I quickly removed my hand. Thank god he's not naked...

" that a coworker?.." Hinata smiled softly. "Ah... Yes... He brought me medicine." I held up the white bag from the coffee table.

"Oh, I'm glad!" She clapped her hands together quietly. "Though, I'm not sure why he's still asleep... Doesn't he have work?"

"Ah... His boss let him off for a few days, since he's taking care of me." My face shifted to the sleepy raven.

"...I think we should let him sleep a little longer."

"Oh? Okay then." Hinata left to the table, placing down her purse and some grocery bags.

"Let me help you with the groceries..." I walked up behind her. "...thanks." her face was expressionless.

"No problem."

Tap tap...? No, walking... Behind me.

I turned to see the raven rubbing his eyes. "So... This must be Hinata?..." He mumbled under a sleepy tone. "Yeah."

"My fiance." I tried saying, but this had no effect on Hinata. "Yes... We're getting married soon." She plastered a fake grin on her face.

Sasuke looked at the floor nervously. "Congratulations." He mumbled.

"Hey, you know..." Hinata began. I flipped my head to her once again. "Sasuke should stay over for dinner. After all, he took care of you, right? We still owe him."

My eyes widened. "You want him... To stay for dinner? It's rude to assume he doesn't have other plans, y'know..." I murmured.

Stay for dinner? No! She'll catch on. I can't have that. He is not staying... That's final.

"Let's ask him then."

Sasuke looked up at her. "I.. don't have other plans. I can eat with you guys..."

No!... Why's he agreeing?!

Can't he see how bad this is?!

"Alright then!" She clapped.

"Sasuke will be staying for dinner, and that's that! Hehe." Hinata giggled. She.. hasn't done that in a while.

What's she up to...?

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