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"I..." My eyes met his. Somehow this seemed to be the hardest time to actually look him in the eye. But he didn't look away once. He was sure of himself.

"I.. can't." I murmured. "My family will look down on me. I don't want to disappoint them."

"Then... I don't want to work with you anymore."

... What? What did he just say??

"What?!" I slammed my hands beside his hips on his desk. "I don't want to work with a fucking cheater like you. Is that not clear enough?" He scolded, his face becoming as cold as the first day I met him.

"T-that's..." I looked down a bit, seeing my hips were close to his, and his legs hitting my waist.

I turned red as I slowly became turned on. "But... I can make a deal." I said in a quiet voice. "Hn. I'm not interested."

"I'm going to quit if I cannot work with you here so... Be my fuck buddy, or I'll quit." I placed my hand on his thigh.

His eyes widened and the cold expression at first faded, but came right back as quick as it left. "What the fuck.. you're so desperate but can't even give up her. That's depressing."

"Quit, see if I care. Isn't that what I want anyway? To be away from you?"

I pushed my hand closer, placing a finger on his zipper. "Sasuke. Think about it, would you?"

His expression changed to an embarrassed one. "W-what are you talking about? Hey!!" Sasuke placed his hand on mine. I froze.

I looked up from his zipper, letting a whimper out. "Agh... You.. why're you looking at me like that...!!"

I look down after his grunt to see an erection. "Are you sure about your decision?" I said, gripping his thighs.

"Idiot! Such an idiot!!" He grumbled. His face looked saddened in a way. My hand wrapped around his cheek.

I bent forward to kiss him softly. Kissing him was always better than Hinata. It felt different. Maybe this is how I used to feel with Hinata at one point.

My tongue wrapped its way under his, sucking gently on it. Saliva dripped down our mouths.

I pulled away, gasping for air. I looked down, then back at Sasuke, smirking before unzipping his pants and pulling his boxers down halfway.

I brought my face closer to it. "H-hey! What're you...." I interrupted him with sucking on his erect member, pushing it farther down my throat.

"Ah!! Ahh, shit... Naruto... Naruto ..!" He gripped my hair tightly, making me flinch a little bit from the pressure.

A small amount of pre cum dripped out and into my mouth. "Mm.." he huffed, moving my face to his to pull me into a warm kiss.

I pushed him down on his desk, pulling his pants all the way off. Sasuke wrapped his arms around me, knowing what was coming next.

I immediately brought my erect dick to his hole, since he didn't really need preparing after we just did it not long ago.

His suit undershirt remained on, although unbuttoned and messy as I had moved it around so I could leave hickeys all over his chest.

I thrusted in, making him shudder. "Ah... Hnnn-!" He moaned out, looking at me with his eyes glazed over. Small tears fell out.

"W-what? Are you crying? Is it too much?" I questioned, freezing so that I didn't hurt him.

"N-no, t-that's not... Hngh... Move, idiot!" Sasuke pressed his hips further down to move himself into my dick a little bit more.

I thrusted in and out quickly, hitting his prostate several times which made him moan a little louder each time.

My hand slipped over his dick as I pushed farther in him and then out again, and then thrusted his dick in my hand. Sasuke gripped my back tightly, making sharp red marks appear on my back.

I felt him shiver, and then I knew he was going to cum soon. I pushed much harder, slamming him harder onto the desk. Sasuke's arms slipped off of my back, and his hands gripped the sides of the desk, knocking over papers.

I spread his thighs outwards and watched as he twitched, which only turned me on more. Our breathing was heavy and uneven, but especially Sasuke's. "I, I am.. hnng, close!" He groaned, trying to speak past his moans.

We both came, me filling him and his member letting out the familiar off white sticky substance onto his stomach.

I bit my lip looking at him huffing with cum all over him and spilling out of his hole. But before I knew it, he quickly said he had to shower, wiped himself with tissues, and then got dressed and left to go shower.

And... After that, he was no where to be seen for months. He wouldn't return my calls or texts and wouldn't even say hi to me. I knew better than anyone that.. he was ignoring me.

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