The Wedding

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"is that... A proposal?" I jumped in excitement. "D-don't get carried away... It was just.. a request... Ugh!! Forget it!" Sasuke said, his face as red as a tomato.

"No... I think this Sasuke is very cute...." I chuckled.
"Okay then. Let's grow old together." I giggled.

His face became flustered. "A-actually.. I p-prepared something..!" Sasuke's hands trembled as he got up and reached in his side bag for something.

"Oh?" I smiled. "And what's that?"
He held it in his hands firmly, standing there for a little bit to collect himself and to get courage.

Eventually, he held out his hands, carrying two silver rings. "How long were you.. planning this?" I laughed, keeping a smile on my face.

"For a while now... But...I tried repressing it and then my father saw so... J-just take it!" He grumbled in embarrassment.

"This is all too embarrassing..." He mumbled, his eyes evading mine. I couldn't stop smiling.

I got up, walking towards him. My hands caressed his cheeks as he pouted. "You're not at all embarrassing.. you're my Uchiha."

I took the rings, placing one on his ring finger, and then placing mine on my ring finger. I held his hand, my face still just inches away from his.

Sasuke's face was a bright red, but he soon smiled as he saw our rings.

"Instead of that pesky Hyuga, I will marry my true love." I laughed.

"That was so corny." Sasuke said sternly, then bursting out in laughter. Seeing his happy face made me so happy.

"Oh, and your dad... What about him?" I paused. Sasuke stopped laughing. "Ah.. you're right. Well.. I guess I should call the cops on him... He has beaten me throughout my whole life." Sasuke stated.

"Fuck the cops, I'll take care of that piece of shit myself!" I gritted my teeth.

"N-no you won't, stop!" He laughed. "You'll end up killing him!" Sasuke sat there for a minute, soon wrapping his arms around my body, giving me a hug.

"...I love you, loser...." He said after a long pause. I hugged him back, eventually bringing my hand to his chin to make him look at me. "Hey, don't get so sad on me... I'm staying with you, so he will never hurt you again....I promise."

"You sure have a way with words," Sasuke smiled at me. "Well... I, uh... Want to plan some sort of.. wedding..." He finally confessed. "So that I know I'm more important than Hinata... Or at least, not below her level, I guess..?"

I smiled, running my hand through the back of his hair. "Trust me when I say I love no one more... But of course, that is what I want too." I grinned.

"When did you two break up, anyway?..." Sasuke asked. "Ah... It was a few months ago... I was thinking about you a lot and.. it started bugging me. After talking to my parents about my sexuality and my situation, they seemed to be fine with it... Hinata and me tried faking it, but we couldn't so, I told her I wanted to divorce. So yeah... That's what I did."

"Eh? You were thinking of me even then?" Sasuke laughed, getting flustered. "Yes, Sasuke, I love you so much, I was so upset that I couldn't even see your face! It was torture!" I confessed.

The rest of the day, we talked, I told him what happened to me, and he explained what happened to him. But most of all I was glad I could've met him.


"...Sasuke!" I called over from the kitchen. "Breakfast!" I walked over to the bedroom, waking him, kissing him on the forehead and then serving him some eggs and bacon.

I was excited to give him this news after so long, so I got up early and made him breakfast, since I couldn't sleep due to my excitement.

Sasuke rubbed his eyes with a tired and work out expression on his face. "You are way too hyper..." He groaned through a deep tone in his voice.

"Just eat up!" I smiled cheerfully. "I've got news for you, so make sure you're fully awake!"

He nodded slowly. "Mhm..."
"What news?" Sasuke made eye contact with me as he chewed on the bacon.

"Well.. it's about our wedding." I admitted.
"Our wedding? What about it?" That seemed to catch his attention.

"We're... Gonna get married! It's prepared, finally!" A smile was plastered on my face. I could barely contain my excitement.

"O-oh!" His eyes widened, his fork dropping from his hands from the surprise.

"W-we're really getting married!!" Sasuke stood up quickly. He ran up to me and hugged me.

I hugged him back. "Yes... We're finally going to get married!" I cheerfully said in response.


"And.. you may kiss the bride," the man said beside us. My hand gently caressed his face, and the crowd of my family and friends cheered as we kissed.

We had been waiting for this moment for what seemed like forever. Instead of the pesky Hyuga, I got married to my rival and pure enemy. It was almost laughable. But weirdly enough, he worked his way into my heart, ruining me and Hinata's relationship, but also forming a much stronger one.

I never knew how hard I was going to fall for him, and if I did, I would've broken up with Hinata much sooner.

Actually, if I knew just hold long Hinata was cheating on me, I would've broken up with her even sooner than that.

But, all of that was in the past.

Instead, I replaced that old wedding with a much better one. Yes... I really thought I couldn't have Sasuke, much less marry him, but here we are.

This wedding... Is all that I've ever wanted in life.
This wedding... Is living proof that I'm with Sasuke, and that Sasuke is mine.

And something about that is so special.
Sasuke Uchiha is the one I really want to mary. The on that I couldn't have. My main rival and enemy. My "boss".

And this is... The wedding that means the most to me.

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