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The clinging of silverware could only be heard, and nothing but silence after that. "...so, what is your rank, Uchiha?" She smiled at him.

"...I am a boss. I help decide with Naruto."

"Ah, so you've both made it up in the ranks? Nice job, Uchiha."

"Just.. call me Sasuke..."

I sat awkwardly there, awaiting somebody's next reply. "Why're you two sitting so awkwardly, hm?" Hinata smiled.

"No need to be uncomfortable, this isn't your first time around is it?"

"Actually.. it is." Sasuke muttered. He seemed to be pretty mad. I guess I don't blame him. I need to break up with Hinata... But how? We have a wedding planned and everything. It'll be looked down on in my family, too, if I cancel a wedding last minute.

"Ah, well, sorry then."

"Mhm... When are you two getting married anyway?" Sasuke added.

"In a few days actually. We're excited for it, right, Naruto?" She bent closer, in attempt to kiss me.

I cringed, trying to avoid the kiss. "Oh, looks like I've gotta go. I'm running late." Sasuke immediately said.

"O-oh! Bye, Sasuke..." I mumbled. Hinata turned to face Sasuke. She stood up. "Yes yes, let me get the door for you..."

The two disappeared to the door, and I heard mumbling quietly before the door slammed shut.

"Well well, you two seem to get along." She said as she pressed the lock down.

"Let's go to bed, Naruto."

"Ah.. yeah, sure..." I nodded, following behind her to our bedroom. After brushing her teeth she came in the room, seductively sitting beside me, nudging my leg.

"Uh...!" I turned to her, her lips pressing against mine. I quickly backed away, jumping back from her trying to seduce me.

"I-I am gonna lay on the couch tonight...."  I ran out of the room, laying down onto the cold couch. The couch smelled like Sasuke.

And with that, his scent eventually put me to sleep. I woke up hours later to the sun shining in my eyes.

"Nn..." I groaned. When I awoke, Hinata was gone. It was only 4:30 am. I don't usually wake up this early.

Hinata always told me she left for work really early in the morning, but I don't know... Something seems weird. I know she's seeing somebody else, I'm betting on it.

So what the hell even is this relationship?! We hardly communicate, I can't even kiss her without thinking of Sasuke instead, I sure as hell can't have sex with her, she doesn't seem nearly as pretty, her voice isn't soothing anymore, something is just so.. wrong!

I.. don't love her anymore. I can't. How do I tell somebody I fell in love with a fucking boss instead!? How do I ... Handle all of this??

The phone rang loudly. It was Sasuke. "Ah.. hello?"
"Sorry if I woke you up early. I just.. wanted to talk to you about something. It couldn't wait. Think you could meet me at my office as soon as you can?" Sasuke said, his voice unsteady.

"Yes.. I'll be there in 15 minutes." I muttered before hanging up the phone. But somehow I looked forward to the meeting, even though at the same time I was nervous as to what he had to say.


The door clicked open, and I locked it behind me. "Yeah?.." I mumbled, sitting in the office chair as Sasuke sat on his desk in front of me.

"Naruto... I wanted to talk to you, but I wanted it to be private so that's why I asked to meet here so early... Sorry about that." Sasuke said, gripping the desk.

"Yeah, don't worry about it, I was awake anyway... What did you wanna talk about?.."

"...." Sasuke sat nervously as he sighed. "...you need to break up with Hinata."


"If you want anything between us to work out, then you need to break up with Hinata. She's in the way."


Even though what he was saying made sense, how do I explain it? I've been putting it off, but it's important, right? So I should tell him why. But if I say I can't, then...

"What if.. I can't?" I muttered, my eyes glazing over at him. "Then.. we will break up instead."

"What?" I stood up nervously.

"Naruto, do you think I enjoyed seeing Hinata nearly kiss you? Do you I think I enjoy knowing you and her have sex? Do you think that I don't feel like some side piece??" Sasuke shouted. "So.. you need to make a fucking decision."

The Wedding ~ NaruSasuWhere stories live. Discover now