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I quickly rushed to the raven, seeing his eyes become teary. "Sasuke... Sasuke, thank God!..." I hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go.

His arms slowly raised to my back, to gently hug me back. I want to kiss him. His soft and pink lips.

I looked at him for a minute. "Let's talk inside.. it looks like it's going to rain." I smiled lightly.

He nodded slowly. He looked so numb, it was crazy. Almost worst than how I was. I wonder what happened to him...

"Here, sit, I'll make you some tea." I muttered, helping him sit as I went off in the room next to him to make him tea.

I came back to sit by him while the tea was being made. "Sasuke, what's wrong? You look so..." I paused.

He's shivering.

"S-sasuke? Hey, what's going on?" My hand reached over to his arm to try and calm him, but he quickly smacked my hand away.

I froze, watching him shiver and his face look like he was going to burst out crying at any minute. But he didn't. He just sat there.

I brought him tea, and he went to sleep without saying a word or explaining anything. But I was worried. Why was he avoiding saying anything like this?... It worries me.

"'s don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to." I said, turning the lights off as I left to my room.

And that was it for the night. I eventually fell asleep. I wonder if he's asleep by now?



"Naruto... Naruto...! Help me!" Sasuke's voice became louder as a bright light formed. I felt myself become colder.

"W-wait for me, I'm coming!" I yelled over in hopes to stop him from leaving.

But I chased and chased and couldn't catch up.

"GAH!" I gasped, throwing myself upright in bed. "Ah... Must've been a nightmare..." I mumbled to myself.

"Huh? So warm..." I quickly turned to see a sleepy raven, holding onto my arm tightly with a worried expression on his face.

"Don't.. leave me....." Sasuke whimpered quietly.
I gently tapped his shoulder to wake him up. "Sasuke.. are you okay? Wake up, please."

His eyes fluttered as he slowly woke up, beginning to breathe slowly instead of the rapid fearful breathing before.

"Mm..." He groaned, sitting up slowly. "When did you.. move me here?"

"I didn't, you came here in the middle of the night. It looks like you've been having nightmares." I admitted.

"Ah..." He stammered. "W-well then, I'll get washed up." Sasuke left the room to shower.

I sat there, the scent of Sasuke still filled in the room. Especially the bed. It smelled a lot like him.


I made my way to the living room, where I waited for Sasuke. I wasn't sure how long he was staying, and to be honest, I wasn't sure how long I could take the not knowing of our.. situation.

Sasuke walked in, a towel being held onto his dark hair. "Ah, there you are." I smiled softly.

He seemed to be doing better today rather than yesterday. "So... What made you suddenly appear at my apartment like that?" I asked, hoping for an answer.

He quietly came and sat by me. "I wanted to avoid you because I wasn't sure how long I could hold my urges, so I stayed home..." Sasuke muttered, his voice deep. "But... My father came uninvited, even though I thought he was done with me and..."

He looked at me with saddened, desperate eyes, soon looking back down. His fist tightened nervously. "He beat me because of my homosexuality."

My eyes widened. "W-what?! What do you mean..?!" I stammered.



My bag slid off my arm, hitting the hardwood floor. "I'm tired..." I sighed, grabbing my phone and sitting down. "What? Naruto texted me. I should've blocked his number... I really am an idiot."

"I'm supposed to be avoiding him..." I groaned. "I never realized how hard it would be until I actually had to do it."

Ah, I forgot to get some groceries for dinner tonight. I should go do that...

Let's see... Maybe I'll make spaghetti tonight. Yeah that sounds good.

Eventually I left to get those ingredients, but as I pulled into my driveway, there was another car. A very.. familiar car.

"Huh?? Who's at my house... And so late too..."

I walked inside, seeing my father stand in the middle of the room, quickly turning. His face was angry.

"N-no way, why are you here?!" I gasped.
"Yeah? Why were you fucking with a coworker, hm?!" He yelled.

"What total bullshit!! Don't you realize that people heard you and told everyone?? Pathetic!" He grabbed me by the collar, throwing me down on the floor.

"Maybe a beating will fix that fucking disgustingness go away." He kicked my stomach, making me get thrown back at the wall harshly.

"If you want to be gay, I'll treat you like a damn gay. So fucking disgusting, I can't even believe it. So much hope and expectations thrown down the drain!" He kicked me again really hard, making me gasp.

"Ahh, who am I kidding? You always acted like a damn homosexual. And.. you weren't as smart as your brother, either. You really were a screwup from the start."

"Ah.. stop!!" I yelled, gasping for air in hopes of getting him off of me. "No, you deserve this!" He kicked me a final time before groaning and leaving. "Fucking disgusting." He said before leaving.

Naruto... I want Naruto right now...



"...I couldn't help but come to your place. You were all the comfort I needed." Sasuke said calmly.

"Even though I find myself disgusting, I can't help but like you... Is that wrong?" He slid closer to me on the couch.

"...I never knew your father was like that... I'm so sorry. But please know that you are never disgusting... You're the farthest thing from it." I admitted.

"It's okay to be upset, but it should never feel wrong..." I paused.

"You love who you love. It can't be helped." I reassured him.

"Then, Naruto... I love you."

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