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I decided to not tell Hinata about this 'deal'. It was probably pointless to her. And, she probably would be angry... Or sad... Or both?...

Besides, she's been out so often, coming home drunk all the time... Lately I wonder what she's even doing with herself while I'm at work.

But I'm the mornings, she was the complete opposite of her drunken self. She was shy, kind... Sweet. But something was wrong. I couldn't quite figure out what it was.

By the time I made it to work, Sasuke was nowhere to be seen. So I went around asking if anyone saw him.

"Have you seen Sasuke Uchiha? A boy with black hair, tall..." I muttered to someone nervously.

No, he has to be here! If he's not.....

"I think he's sick today..." The girl said, blushing at the mention of his name.


No, that can't be right. He has to be here... He just has to.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Maybe try asking Mr. Naara?..." She twirled her hair around her fingers as she spoke. I didn't respond, and instead left her immediately, running towards Shikamaru's office, opening the door.

"Ugh, can't you knock?" He groaned, looking up from the stack of papers on his desk.

"Where's Sasuke??!" I yelled.

"Ah, he's sick. But he should be in his office." Shikamaru replied. "Now get out, this situation is a drag as it is..."

I was frozen, unsure what to say or think. He was in his office the whole time? Didn't I look there?... Or maybe... I'm just too freaked out. Maybe.... Ahh, forget it.

I stormed out, heading to Sasuke's office. It was all too familiar, since I often went there to introduce new ideas, although half of them would just get thrown out of the window anyway...

And there he sat, the raven, on his office chair with a mask on. He looked up at me. "What's wrong?" His voice was muffled from the mask.

I want to.. hug him... No, that's... I am just glad he's here so I can prove myself. That's it.

I was panting from all the running. Sasuke stood up, worried about my huffing.

"Ah.. I was.. looking for you everywhere." I said in a nervous tone. Sasuke's eyes widened as he walked over.

"Well forget it, I'm here. Anyway, you finished it, right?" Sasuke asked, pointing at my laptop in my arms.

"Yeah... I did."

"Good.. we have 15 minutes until presenting time."

Yes... Shikamaru.. will he even like it? I don't know. I'm not even really worried about him. It's Sasuke that I'm worried about.

And... It bugged me. What would he want me to do for him? After I made that deal, he has been acting strange. I'm not too sure why he was so interested in that deal anyway.

... Maybe to make me his own personal puppet! Yeah, right! Like I would let that happen.

Eh... So what else...

I felt a tap on my leg. I looked over, seeing Sasuke. "Hey, don't kick me!" I grumbled.

"Get yourself together." He sighed.

"What?" I looked at him confusedly. I already have everything together!

"You're sweating , and... You're spacing out." He mumbled, looking to the crowd of people in front of us. We were sitting on seats on a stage with around five judges. They were going to decide whether or not our projects were good enough.

Well, all they were doing is picking the best one out of all the topics for our brand. Still, I hope we'll win.

"Next... Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto." Shikamaru said in the microphone, soon moving away as my file presented onto the screen.

"Ah.. hello!" I nervously said quite loudly. I watched Sasuke look at the screen. He was the one controlling the slides. And me... I was the one doing the talking.

"...and that's why I think this would be best given our brand circumstances." I stated, ending my conclusion.

Everyone clapped. I looked over to Sasuke. I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

Especially with that mask...

Did I do well? I have been planning to make this very good, but I can't tell if it is or not now that I'm up here...

I walked downstage. "Alright everyone, that's it for today. If you're staying overtime...." Shikamaru's voice faded. Sasuke grabbed my arm, pulling me as we left to his office.

"Ugh, I can walk! Hey, let go..!" I groaned. People passed by, and he pulled me into the room, closing the door and locking it. He then looked out of the window, watching as the lights eventually turned out.

"Huh?..." I muttered up confusedly.

"...Finally." he said, pulling off his mask.

"Hey hey, you're sick aren't you? Put it back on..." I groaned.

"Nobody really catches my colds anyway," he said with a frown.

"Alright alright, cut to the chase.

Why did you pull me into here? And was my presentation good? It better be, I worked my ass off just to.."

...Impress you.

Ah, no no... I shouldn't say that...

", uh... To show you I'm not a complete idiot." I grumbled, blurting out a fake cough.

" wasn't bad." He grinned.

I smirked. "Yeah?"

"Yeah..." He walked closer. "I have my answer for the deal." Sasuke confessed.

Hah! I wonder what it is! He's totally gonna do something crazy, like making me his own personal puppet! Or, he could!-

"Hold me."

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