The Deal

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"N-no way!!" I gasped.

"Ugh, don't tell me you're gonna make a big deal out of this..." Sasuke sighed.

"You were the one that complained about my girlfriend being too loud!" I yelled.

"Yeah, so what?" He groaned.

"I want a new partner!" I turned to Shikamaru who looked as confused as ever.

"I can't do that... It was already decided a while ago. Please just deal with it, even if it's a drag..." Shikamaru said, his palm at his face.

I gritted my teeth and crossed my arms. "Whatever..." I looked over to Sasuke who had a grin on his face.

"You won't regret it."


But before I knew it, he was stacking work up on me like crazy! Work would pile up so much that I didn't have time unless I carved time with my girlfriend.

Meaning I'd have to stay here later than usual. But that only meant Sasuke would have to stay with me... What's the damn point of assigning so much work?! Is he trying to tick me off?! In that case, I guess it's working...

I sighed. Sasuke was right over my shoulder, watching to make sure I didn't make a mistake in writing.

"Fix that. You should add punctuation here." Sasuke said. The lights outside our office began turning off, so we knew it was overtime now.

"Ugh, do we seriously need to do overtime every damn day?" I groaned, typing in the punctuation needed.

"Yes, we can't fail this. It's important." Sasuke replied, pointing out yet another mistake in my writing.

"Not really..." I sighed.

"...How about this." I stopped to look at his face right beside me. "What?"

"If you let me finish this on my own, I will do whatever you want." I said with a smirk.

"Eh? Why?" His eyes widened, but he looked interested.

"Because you being over my shoulder like this is annoying."

It was annoying. I don't know why, but... It just made all of my muscles tense! Damn Uchiha...

"Ahh, whatever. But you have to make it presentable." Sasuke crossed his arms.

"Yeah yeah, don't underestimate me."

And that's how it started. After that, I worked on it. I only had a few days to work on this file, but it was enough for me.

Sasuke would occasionally try to glance at it, but I'd quickly turn so he couldn't. Eventually, he didn't talk as much. He was a lot... Quieter.

"Ugh." I groaned, standing up to stretch. I shut my laptop and was going to leave to get some coffee.

"Agh!" I heard a low pitched grunt. I turned to apologize, seeing it was Sasuke.

"Uh... S-sorry..." He stuttered, running back to his office. His face looked red. I wonder if he's sick?...

Ever since that incident, Sasuke would try to avoid me. I don't know why... Maybe he's pissed at me for bumping into him.

I sighed. "Ahh, this situation confuses me..." I looked at my laptop, which had almost the full file completed. I just needed to add one more section and I could present it to Sasuke.

But... With him avoiding me like this... What the hell do I do?!

I'm going to have to find a way to get him cornered... If he tries avoiding me again, anyway...

The rest of the night, I worked on the project file. Fixing mistakes here and there, linking websites that I used to find other information, and adding other stuff that was needed.

The door creaked a second later. "Ah..?!" I turned around to see who it was that scared the hell out of me. It was... Sasuke.

"Hn, so he arrives after all."

"You're supposed to go home..." He avoided my eye contact. "Mhm, I know. I'm just adding some stuff to the file."

"Right, well... Hurry up. The lights went out an hour ago..." He said in a low toned voice.

"And what were you doing?" I asked, looking up from my laptop to Sasuke.

He turned red, shaking his head. "I was just.. working on something..."

"You were in the bathroom for an hour." I stated, looking him in the eye now.

"I told you... I was just working on something..." Sasuke avoided eye contact, and looked somewhere to the side instead.

I persisted. "What the hell would you work on in a bathroom for an hour...." Shaking my head, I stood up.

"Whatever. I finished the project, so it will be-"

I paused, looking at the tomato like face in front of me. He was staring at the ground, too.

"Sasuke?..." I walked up to him, grabbing his chin to look at me. My eyes widened, seeing his teary eyes.

I immediately let go. "Ah, sorry. You should go to the doctor... You might be sick." I added, leaving the room soon after.

I wasn't quite sure what he did... But his red face, teary eyes, and nervous posture... I don't know, something was odd.

All I knew, was that tomorrow would be very important. I can finally prove that I'm not some idiot.

Don't underestimate me, Uchiha.

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