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I shuffled my way to my parent's door with an umbrella. I haven't visited my parents in a long time, so I was a little nervous.

I knocked, awaiting a red haired woman and blonde haired man. I heard some arguing about who'd get the door, and then somebody sighed.

"Who is .. it..."  Their tone slowly fell silent.

I tightened my grip on the umbrella. "Hey, father, it's me." I smiled softly, my eyes a little deadened.

"Naruto..." He said really quietly. "Agh, what's taking so long! Who is it!" A woman's voice slowly came closer as a red haired woman approached.

"I have to discuss something with you."


Rain poured and all you could hear was the sound of the rain droplets hitting the roof for a moment. Other than that it was silent.

I was sat in a kitchen chair, with Kushina, my mother, and Minato, my father sat in front of me, awaiting what I wanted to tell them so badly that I came all this way on a Saturday.

I held my hands together nervously.
"I'm... Divorcing Hinata." I said plainly.

Their happy and surprised faces soon fell to shock.
"...what?" Minato muttered under his breath.

"I don't love Hinata. I thought I did but then I found out she was cheating on me. I started losing feelings." I explained.

"She.. was cheating? That sweet, sweet girl?" Kushina asked, genuinely confused.

"Yes. For two years. I didn't find out until maybe a few months ago." My eyes evaded theirs and went to the table instead. "...oh. there's something else."

I saw Kushina grab Minato's hand for comfort. They were always such a happy, good couple. Always dealt with everything together. You could only respect it.

"I developed feelings for someone else...." I paused, thinking of ways to tell them it was a man. My eyes left to the side of the room, out the window. Rain drops fell down the window slowly. It was raining pretty heavy outside.

"...his name is Sasuke Uchiha. A pretty rich man." I admitted, smirking, but then soon frowning.

I looked at them straight in the eye. "I know you probably aren't going to approve of this. But I'm not a child anymore. Besides.. if you were in my situation... Ah, what am I saying... you probably wouldn't get it, actually."

Kushina looked as if she was crying. A small tear fell down her cheek, which grew much more as seconds went on. She stood up, letting go of Minato's hand, walking up to me.

My deadened eyes looked up to her sad face. Why's she crying anyway?

Her arms wrapped around me, pulling me into her chest. My eyes widened in confusion. "Huh?.."

"I'm so so sorry! I'm so sorry..." She took a deep breath for air in between her hitching breath of crying.

"Wha?.." I mumbled.

"I made you feel like you couldn't come to us!... I am so sorry!" She held on tighter. "Hic.. hic.." she sobbed.

My hands slowly lifted to her back, and I held onto her. We sat there for a moment, holding on to each other. It felt.. really, really nice. All my worries.. drifted away.


"Sign the agreement, please." A man said to me in a gray suit, handing me a paper with a line indicating where to sign.

I took the paper, taking a pen and signed my name. I handed the paper to Hinata, who signed it without any words.


After a few months, me and Hinata were finally divorced. We remained friends, but we didn't really talk, and we were already moved out.

There was only one thing left, but I couldn't find him anywhere. He blocked me on his cell, too.

"Aghhh, what the hell!" I gripped the office wall, wanting to kick something. "God damn it!.."

A silhouette stood in front of my doorway. "Go home." It was Shikamaru who spoke. "It's about Sasuke, right? He hasn't been here in months. You might as well give up. Go home, you're too stressed to work." He sighed. "It's a drag for us, but at least you won't be giving sloppy work." I turned my head at him, slowly nodded. "...fine."

I left, immediately wanting to shower. Maybe that will make me calm down?.. yeah. A nice, hot shower sounds nice.

But the minute I stepped foot in the shower, I found myself growing aroused. I want him next to me.

"Gah.. Sasuke..." I moaned out, grasping my member in my hand, thrusting it over and over again quickly, my other arm holding onto the shower wall.

"Mmh.. Sasuke... Sasuke!..." I moaned more. That beautiful, pale skin, and slender shoulders. So pretty. His dark hair and dark eyes, with a deep voice that sticks with you. He's everything you'd ever want.

"Nngh!" I grumbled, cum splurting out and slipping down the shower and into the drain. "Hah... Haha..." I huffed. "I came so quickly... I need to get laid, damn it." I let out a loud sigh.

Sasuke... I want you back. I want you... I really, really do.

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