Stay With Me Tonight

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At first I was surprised, but then my shocked face transitioned to a very warm feeling in my heart. How do I explain this feeling??

I feel as if I'm floating. Is this even real? Even though we'd done it several times, hearing him actually say he loved me made me this happy.

I started giggling. "Bahahah... I'm such an idiot..." I mumbled. "I love you too, damn Uchiha." I smiled softly.

His hands reached my face as he gently kissed me, quickly backing away. It was more like a peck.

"Hm?" I chuckled. "You're cute."
"H-huh?!" Sasuke blushed, quickly turning his head away.

"But are you sure that's all you want?" I grinned. "Come on, tell me." I bent closer, making him look at me by placing my hand on his chin and neck to face me.

"...stay with me tonight..." He mumbled quietly, his face a bright shade of pink. "Mm, that's more like it..." I whispered.

My hand reached his waist line, tugging at his pants. "Your skin is so soft, you know? I can't help but want to touch it.... Ahh, you have no idea how long I've been resisting..." I laughed to myself.

I'm hard already!.. I've never had somebody effect me this much.

"Nn..." He let out a whimper as I teased him. I gently ran my fingers over his waist, tickling him a little bit.

My legs went around his body as I took my shirt off, watching Sasuke blush harder. "Hmm..." I grinned.
I took off his pants to see his erection. I smiled when I saw it.

"Wear this." I took a piece of cloth. "Cover your eyes." Sasuke took the cloth and wrapped it around his eyes slowly. "Like.. this?.." he mumbled.

I chuckled. "Yes.. that's perfect..."
I ripped off his boxers, immediately shoving my fingers inside of him. "Mm, so tight."

"A-ah!" He grunted to the sudden pressure. "This feels.. weird..!" Sasuke groaned.

"Hm? You're moving your hips already..." I laughed. "Are you enjoying this that much?"

Sasuke bit his lip as I scissored the final fingers. "I want to feel myself inside of you." I positioned myself at his hole, forcing his legs up so I could push myself in him.

"I-if you say it like that...!" He paused, and before he could finish, he threw his head back from the sudden thrust.

"N-not so fast!!" He yelled, shivering beneath my body. I grabbed the side of his neck, kissing the opposite side. I whispered in his ear. "But you like it when I go fast."

"Hnnngh!-" he moaned as I thrusted again, this time deeper. "You're moaning even more with the blindfold. Are you enjoying this?~" I teased him.

Sasuke trembled. "Yeah so.. fuck me harder!" He yelled, which turned me on even more. "Yeah? You asked for it."

I pushed his legs down, making his knees touch his chest which was covered in hickeys. I thrusted deeper and harder, making him moan louder.

I arched my back a little bit to reach deeper. I brought my hand to his blindfold, gently lifting it to see teary eyes. "Huh? Are you crying?"

"Hngh.. it feels.. so good... Ah!" His head tilted in pleasure. "N-naruto..." He huffed.

His hand reached out, tugging my hair, making me flinch a little, but then a grin went across my face.
I thrusted in harder, making his grip tighten.

"Agh! Uh, mm.. gah!" Sasuke's grip loosened a bit as he began losing energy. "Hold on tight." I demanded, lifting him a bit.

I got into a position where he was on top of me and I was beneath him. Sasuke's hands rested on my chest, his legs surrounding me, with my erect dick still inside of him.

"Now.. ride me." I grinned, seeing his helpless expression. "Uh..."

"Come on, you can do it." I smiled, my hands going up to his face.
"I'll help you, then." I said after a few seconds. My hands went to his hips, and I gently pushed him down onto me, making him groan.

"This feels.. different...!" He mumbled through his groans, his body rising and then falling onto me soon after.

"Do you like controlling it? Hm, Sasuke?~" I chuckled. I began panting heavier.
I'm almost at my limit.

"Nngh...! N-Naruto is.. better at this....!" He shivered. "Hm..." I looked at his bouncing erection, soon grasping it in my hands, and thrusting it in my hands.

I bit my lip, my body getting a sudden shiver, with my stomach feeling like it was going in circles.

An off white substance flew out of me, and into Sasuke. "Shit! I came way too quickly!..."

He smiled. "N-Naruto came inside of me... How.. erotic..."

Sasuke came soon after, and some of it dripped onto my chest. He bent down, licking it off of me. "W-what the...!"

"Sorry for spilling it on you." He muttered.
So he's got a kinky side after all.

I grinned. "Round two?"


"Fuck you." Sasuke grumbled under his breath, as I lay beside him. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't stop!" I whimpered.

"My lower back is aching so bad.. ugh..." He muttered. "You go too fast and rough, damn it."

"..hmph. you want me to do it like that every time though. You're not as innocent as you appear." I laughed.

He chose to ignore that, which made me laugh more. Sasuke just glared at me. It was so funny.

"I wonder if things could be as good as this all the time." I smiled, my head resting on my hand.

"Well... You broke up with Hinata... Didn't you?" Sasuke asked.

"Mhm... She was pretty understanding about it. And my parents didn't care as much as I thought they would. They're actually supportive of my decision." I replied.

...How about we stay together, until we grow old?"

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