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"hello to each and every of my three dearest friends~" beomgyu exclaimed, theatrically bowing to the three boys seated in front of him. they were staring up at him with a confused expression, but nonetheless they continued to eat.

"beomgyu sit down and don't make a scene today, i don't feel like being stared at for a week by everyone." one of his friends, a light blue haired boy, said.

beomgyu dramatically clasped a hand over his heart and sunk to his knees, doing exactly what he was told not to.

"but soobin!! i must proclaim my love for you!! romeo! oh rom-" beomgyu was silenced by soobins hand clamped over his mouth.

the two other boys had began to giggle, silently watching their friend control their other friend.

but beomgyu unfortunately had other plans.

at the sight of soobin's hand over his mouth, his eyes widened and he sprung up from the floor, playfully karate chopping soobin's ribcage.

"-aha!! i'm a free elf!!" beomgyu screamed, laughing as he ran through the cafeteria with his arms limply hanging. (beomgyu titan era)

and who did he run into? the one and only choi yeonjun.

"choi beomgyu! get your juliet looking ass up and help me off of this floor!" yeonjun angrily said, glaring at the younger on the floor next to him.

beomgyu, on the other hand, widened his eyes and his mouth formed a large 'o', sucking in a large gasp of air.

"YOUR TIME IS RESET!!" beomgyu screamed, unbothered by the amount of students looking at them.

yeonjun almost visibly paled, but was soon replaced with more anger.

"go to hell." yeonjun spat, beginning to stand up as he glared down.

"so we can live together?? absolutely not." beomgyu countered, springing up from the floor before yeonjun could.

beomgyu then stood with his hands on his hips and looked expectantly at yeonjun, who was dusting himself off.

"can i help you??" yeonjun snarled out, and if looks could kill, beomgyu would probably be dead, but probably not.

"yes! your week is reset choi yeonjun! unless you want me to tell the prin-"

"okay! jesus christ." yeonjun exclaimed, panic settling into his features.

beomgyu smugly grinned, running away back to his friends.

taehyun and kai were sitting next to each other, and taehyun was practically staring at kai with heart eyes.

soobin was sitting across from them, watching beomgyu approach as he had always kept an eye on the younger.

beomgyu plopped down next to soobin and collapsed against the table, cheek pressed against the cold material.

"have fun with your bestie?" soobin chided, smirking towards the younger.

"psh, as if. he already lost the little game we have going on." beomgyu frustratedly said, keeping his face against the table.

soobin just chuckled, continuing to eat his bread.


"yeonjun! why are you talking to the little golden boy??" one of yeonjun's friends called out, watching yeonjun angrily walk back to their table.

"i don't know jay, why don't you ask him why he ran into me??" yeonjun spat back angrily, plopping down harshly.

jay smirked slightly as he continued to eat.

"what are you looking at??" yeonjun grumbled, looking to a fluffy red haired boy.

"the anger in your eyes, it's kinda funny. why does he make you so mad?" the boy, rano, asked, tilting his head.

yeonjun huffed and took a bite out of his chicken sandwich, cringing at the rubbery taste and texture. so instead of continuing to chew it, he let it fall out of his mouth onto his plastic tray.

"he's always better at things than me. which isn't a problem, but he likes to rub it in because he knows i have a competitive side. i don't know why he thinks it's so funny, it's so fucking aggravating." yeonjun explained, waving his hands around to express more emotion than was conveyed with just words.

"everyone loves him, he can do no wrong in anyone's eyes. he's a suck up, and always has to have his nose in my business." yeonjun continued, earning the rest of his table's attention.

"and he just seems like he has such an easy life. he gets good grades without trying, everyone loves him, without trying. he probably has everything handed to him." yeonjun finished, eyebrows knitted together as he glared across the cafeteria at the boy who caused him so much anger.

"sounds like jealousy." hyunjin shrugged, taking a large swig of his water.

"it is NOT!!" yeonjun shouted, slamming his hands down onto the table.

numerous heads turned to their direction, staring with wide or judgmental eyes.

beomgyu was also staring, a wide grin on his face as he animatedly waved to yeonjun just to press his buttons.

"see! look at him!" yeonjun exclaimed, frantically looking to his friends for validation.

"i tried so fucking hard to get my parents to love me, to praise me, to even bat an eye at me. yet they left. i tried so, so hard and it got me nowhere, it's so.. discouraging." yeonjun finally forced out, voice becoming smaller with each word he uttered.

"and it's that way with practically every friend i've had. they befriend me because i'm popular, or because everyone thinks i'm the "bad boy" , but they realize i'm a person just like everyone else and dip. i get used more than anyone knows, and any time i show the least bit of emotion, i become the laughing stock." yeonjun was now looking down at his hands, forcing away the tears that he hated ever so much.

a hand rubbed his back, and upon looking, he realized it was wooyoung.

the only one who had been there through everything for him.

yeonjun rested his head on his arms in silence, face shielded from the world he hated, even if just for a few minutes.


"looks like little choi is having a bad day." taehyun chuckled, eyes trained on the infamous table of popular boys.

beomgyu turned and saw yeonjun wth his head down, and wooyoung seemingly comforting him.

he turned back to his friends and shrugged, a smile creeping onto his face.

"probably tired of dealing with me." beomgyu said, chugging down his juice in one swallow.

but part of beomgyu was curious as to what could bring down the apathetic boy.

he'd never dwell on it though, as he couldn't really care what yeonjun did as long as it didn't concern himself.

𝚒 𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚏 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 || yeongyuWhere stories live. Discover now