𝖘𝖎𝖝𝖙𝖞 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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yeosang shifted in his seat when he saw an unfamiliar face making his way towards him, doing his best to keep his eyes down to avoid speaking to him. wooyoung was sat across the room in his assigned seat, staring endearingly at his boyfriend.

the head of red hair stopped in front of yeosang sheepishly, and when yeosang felt eyes on him, he reluctantly lifted his head. he took in the smaller boy stood in front of him, his messy red hair falling over his eyes as he stood timidly.

"could i maybe sit next to you... they took my seat." the boy gestured behind him to a group of rowdy boys that everyone seemed to know not to mess with. yeosang softened a bit.

"sure, come on." yeosang said as he patted the empty seat beside him, a soft smile on his lips as he watched the boy sit down. the cherry haired shyly sat, neatly crossing his legs as he pulled out his work.

"i'm hongjoong... if you were wondering." the boy said after a moment of silence between the pair, causing yeosang to turn his head.

"yeosang." the blonde boy smiled back, "i like your hair." yeosang added, causing the boy to break out into a wide smile.

wooyoung watched from across the room, frowning a bit when he saw the pair breaking out into smiles.

"your boyfriend keeps giving me the stare." hongjoong giggled softly after a few minutes, causing yeosang to look up in surprise. his gaze landed on the black and white haired across the room, who indeed was glaring the cherry haired down.

upon yeosang making eye contact with him, wooyoung's face softened as he shot the older a flirty smile. yeosang rolled his eyes playfully and turned back to his work, leaving his boyfriend to quite obviously pout.

"don't worry about him, he'll be okay." yeosang said softly, laughing with the boy beside him as they continued to do their worksheets.

"what do you wanna do when you get out of here?" hongjoong asked, setting down his pencil as he turned to the blonde. yeosang paused in confusion, and the boy seemed to notice.

"ah no! i meant like when you graduate!" hongjoong explained quickly, not wanting to further confuse yeosang or make him uncomfortable.

the blonde made a sound of recognition, leaning his head back a bit as he thought.

"i'm honestly not sure, i'm just gonna go with the flow i guess." yeosang replied, and hongjoong nodded enthusiastically. "what about you?"

hongjoong's eyes widened as his face lit up into a smile, happily clasping his hands as he practically vibrated with excitement.

"i wanna be a music producer! i already kind of mess around with beats and tracks, but i want to make a career out of it." the red haired exclaimed, shrinking into himself a bit when a few students turned around to glare at his loudness.

yeosang just chuckled fondly at the boy, leaning comfortably back in his chair as the class continued.


wooyoung didn't speak on yeosang's interaction with the boy, as that would make him seem jealous and possessive, which he was far from. sure he could be a bit jealous over sharing his boyfriend, but he wouldn't be upset with yeosang for speaking to people.

though when yeosang began to hang out with the cherry haired, that's when wooyoung found the pit of jealousy forming deep in his stomach.

it had been a week since their first encounter and yeosang had informed wooyoung that hongjoong wanted to get coffee together after the boy had continued to sit next to him in class. yeosang was honestly a bit worried to bring it up, but not because he was scared of wooyoung, it was just the anxiety of a new situation and the fact that it might upset his boyfriend.

𝚒 𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚏 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 || yeongyuWhere stories live. Discover now