𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖘𝖎𝖝

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long time no see fr, nothings new but that im such a simp for mark lee.

recommend me your favorite hyperpop song i need new ones <3


beomgyu anxiously fitted his tie in the mirror, his fingers fumbling around the knot that didn't seem too eager to comply. his hands trembled as he did so, making the task at hand (literally) quite difficult.

after another failed attempt to tighten the fabric around his pale neck, an agitated huff escaped the brown haired's lips. fruitless tears sprung to his eyes but he forced them down when there was a knock on his bedroom door.

"you can come in.." beomgyu mumbled, not bothering to clear his glassy eyes as he continued to struggle with the tie.

yeonjun slipped in silently a second after, his rounded eyes landing on the smaller stood in the mirror. his heart softened a bit at the small pout of frustration on his boyfriend's lips.

the black haired made his way behind beomgyu and softly took the younger's hands away from the frustrating fabric, guiding them to fall limp at his waist. yeonjun then set his chin on beomgyu's shoulder as he watched through the mirror as his fingers nimbly fixed the knot the younger had been struggling with.

at the presence of the older, beomgyu was able to relax a bit and close his eyes, the warmth of yeonjun's chest pressing lightly against his back.

he wanted to close his eyes and melt into the older's skin, to combine their hearts so that his own would never ache when they were apart.

"you just have to take your time, okay? do you want me to show you?" yeonjun's voice broke beomgyu from his momentary thoughts, his eyes opening a bit to see the round eyes that were carefully watching him.

"sure.." beomgyu whispered, his heartbeat picking up a bit.

yeonjun began to delicately twirl the silk between his fingertips, his other hand shifting down to hoist beomgyu's up. the older's larger hand enclosed the younger's smaller one, guiding him to grab the fabric as well.

beomgyu did so, albeit with pink cheeks and a racing heart, grabbing the tie where yeonjun had led his hand to do so.

"so you just," yeonjun paused to loop the tie around once, and then dropped it to let the younger do it. beomgyu blankly lifted his hands to the tie once more (I BEEN WALKING WITH THE CHEESE THATS THE QUESO), realizing with a jolt that he had not been paying attention.

instead, his thoughts had been filled with the idea of yeonjun's hands doing something widely different, hence the blank stare he prompted the older with. the black haired burst into a laugh, swiftly slipping his fingers through the fabric and producing a perfectly tied knot.

a quick kiss was planted on the younger's cheek before the warmth behind him had gone, instead filled in his hand as yeonjun led him out of his room.

the pair appeared in the living room a moment later, their eyes landing on the four figures stood in front of them.

soobin, taehyun, wooyoung, and yeosang were all dressed in black suits, their ties tied just as well as beomgyu's was. the four offered a small smile of support at the sight of the brown haired boy, with taehyun stepping forwards to engulf him into a hug.

beomgyu smiled warmly at the hug, allowing himself to melt into the touch for a moment before it was gone once again.

"ready?" wooyoung asked softly, a comforting tone to his already soft voice as he stepped forward with outstretched arms. beomgyu nodded faintly before stepping into the boy's arms, once again melting into his body. yeonjun watched with a small smile.

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