𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖙𝖜𝖔

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beomgyu had hardly left his room the entire rest of the weekend, and now that it was monday morning, soobin was panicking.

"gyu we have to go to school.." soobin said as he stood in front of the boy's bed. beomgyu was curled up into a ball under his blanket, the soft fabric tucked over his head.

"no." beomgyu said from beneath his shield, a stern tone to his voice.

soobin grabbed the blanket and snatched it off, revealing a beomgyu that looked like a little kitten curled up.

he resembled a kitten too; as beomgyu hissed at the older at the removal of his blanket.

"did you just hiss at me??" soobin asked exasperatedly, refusing the urge to burst into confused laughter.

"maybe." beomgyu grumbled, curling tighter into himself to make up for the loss of the blanket.

soobin sighed, getting into beomgyu's bed and confusing the younger. beomgyu had no time to ask before soobin had wrapped his body around beomgyu, spooning him comfortably.

"soo.." beomgyu began, but soobin just hugged the smaller tighter to him, flicking the blanket back over their cuddled up bodies.

"we skip today." the older said simply, nuzzling his face into the back of beomgyu's neck.

beomgyu's heart softened at the action of the older, because even while beomgyu felt he was acting unnecessarily over a guitar, soobin seemed to understand to the fullest.

beomgyu allowed his body to relax into soobin's hold, closing his eyes once more as the darkness of his room was making him more drowsy than he already was.

soobin had come in two hours early because he knew how much it would take to convince the younger, so it was just turning 5am.

"are you...mm gonna tell ning and tyun..?" beomgyu asked suddenly, words partially slurred from the drowsiness.

soobin made no move to get up or anything, which confused the younger.

"already told them earlier, i knew you weren't gonna go." he said, tightening his light grip against beomgyu's waist.

the room fell into silence once more, save for their steady, rhythmic breathing.

"hyung.." beomgyu whispered, eyes wide open as he tried to find a speck of light in the pitch black room.

a grunt sounded from soobin, signaling that he was awake but didn't want to answer questions.

"why does yeonjun have to be so mean... does he not.. realize the struggle i h-had to go through..?" beomgyu could feel his throat beginning to tighten at the mention of the center of his sorrow.

soobin popped up immediately at the faintest suggestion of the younger being sad, as he could feel beomgyu's heart rage pick up through his stomach.

"gyu don't cry, he's immature and doesn't have a proper means for releasing his anger.. which is why you end up catching it all. and i'll buy you a new guitar, okay?" soobin consoled, relaxing back into the bed as he hoped his words would soothe the younger's racing mind.

"no that's too much money." beomgyu replied immediately, he would absolutely not let soobin spend that much on him.

"eh, i have money saved." soobin shrugged, soon going silent again as he tried to get back to sleep.

"if you do i'll never speak to you again." beomgyu deadpanned, going silent as well as he pressed himself back against soobin and held the older's arm like a stuffed animal.

"fine.." soobin grumbled.

both boys laid still until their breathing evened out, unbothered by the peeking sun and the concern of school.


"choi beomgyu? anyone seen him?" the teacher asked, his eyes scanning the room for the spunky brown haired boy.

the students looked as well, none of their eyes meeting the one they searched for.

a certain black haired boy had to force the smirk off of his face as to not draw unwanted attention, eyes casted to his hands.

"absent, again." the teacher muttered, marking something on his paper before continuing down the line of students.


"wooyoung!" yeonjun called across the cafeteria, seeing his friend walking alone. wooyoung turned to him with a blank expression, and continued his way through the cafeteria until yeonjun noticed him sit down with taehyun.

this soured the older's mood immediately, his once happy expression turning hard at the sight.

"fucking taehyun." yeonjun muttered, angrily slamming down his tray and creating a loud clattering sound. the heads at his table all turned to him, including the heads of the surrounding tables as well.

"you good..?" hyunjin asked, looking to the boy with a concerned expression.

yeonjun glared down at hyunjin and didnt say a word, stepping away from his chair before angrily exiting the cafeteria.

he marched angrily down the empty hallways until he reached the bathroom, flinging open the door and hardly wincing when it slammed against the wall.

yeonjun connected his fist to the brick concrete wall, over and over.

five minutes had passed and he was still mercilessly abusing his knuckles, unbothered by the pain and blood coating them.

the door swinging open brought him out of his thoughts, eyes wide as he waited to see who would walk in.

a boy with platinum blonde hair and a soft face emerged, eyes widened as his eyes flicked down to yeonjun's blood covered knuckles.

"...are you okay?" the boy asked, stepping forward with concern filled eyes as he looked into yeonjun's eyes.

yeonjun realized he hadn't replied and looked the boy up and down, noticing the small size of the boy.

"who are you?" (insert jin) yeonjun said cautiously, his anger momentarily gone at the sight of the boy.

"ahn seongmin! you're yeonjun hyung, right?" the boy said cheerfully, stepping even closer to yeonjun.

yeonjun stared back confused, wondering how the younger knew him.

"are you okay?" seongmin asked once more, tilting his bright blonde head to the side as he awaited an answer.

yeonjun pondered the question in his mind, wondering if he should really open up to a stranger.

a pair of arms were now wrapped around yeonjun's body, the shorter boy now clung to him.

he was immediately pushed off harshly by yeonjun, followed with a "what the fuck!"

seongmin didn't seem to be hurt by the action, but just looked blankly to the taller.

"sorry.. just thought you needed a hug.." seongmin said, sadness evident to his tone. he turned his back to yeonjun and took a few steps forward, to leave the bathroom.

seongmin was stopped by a hand on the back of his hoodie, promptly turning him back around before he was engulfed into yeonjun's arms.

the hug was warm, and tight, with seongmin's face pressed snugly against the older's chest.

"thank you.."

𝚒 𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚏 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 || yeongyuWhere stories live. Discover now