𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖔𝖓𝖊

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yo if anyone reads 2min, i have one in desperate need of love & also - favorite track from txt's comeback ??? mine is farewell, neverland

anyways, u guys ready ?? 😏😏


wooyoung bounced his leg nervously, standing outside of yeosang's apartment door with a box of fried chicken (the true way to that boy's heart fr) and a pit in his stomach. he couldn't eat even if he wanted to, and he hoped that yeosang would at least open the door to take the chicken if not to speak to his boyfriend.

the pair had not spoken over the course of the last day and a half, being as wooyoung had been caught up in helping his best friend, and yeosang was probably busy with hongjoong. wooyoung tried not to let the thought bother him, but no matter how much he tried to push it out, it only pushed back in stronger.

(i'm writing this at 6:18am because i think i gave myself insomnia by staying up all night and sleeping all day so i literally cannot fall asleep)

the black and white haired boy found it in himself to knock, the sound of his knuckles rapping against the wood echoing around the landing. his stomach was doing sickening flips, and he almost thought about setting the chicken down and making a run for it.

but he knew that this needed to be done, and he knew he was wrong for getting upset with yeosang in the first place. wooyoung regretted the words he had said to his boyfriend as soon as they had left his mouth, yet his mind had refused to let him stop talking.

wooyoung's heart dropped into the nauseas pit that was his stomach as the doorknob turned, swinging open to reveal none other than his blonde boyfriend.

wooyoung felt happiness and despair at the sight of yeosang, and honestly he was unable to place why he was feeling this way. yeosang didn't seem surprised to see his timid boyfriend, standing in a nonchalant way, the faintest ghost of a smile on his lips.

wooyoung's mind was blank. he didn't expect to get this far, he didn't expect to even be standing here due to the anxiety of doing so.

"come to bug me about being friends with hongjoong?" yeosang questioned. the tone held wasn't menacing or accusatory, more so meant as a genuine question.

wooyoung's anxiety got the best of him and he burst into tears, the hot liquid slipping over his cheeks as he stumbled forwards towards the only place that felt like home.

yeosang softened in a heartbeat and caught the younger in a tight hug, smiling just a bit at the boy in his arms. wooyoung tried his best not to drop the box of chicken, but sobbing into his boyfriend's shoulder proved to make that harder than he expected.

yeosang slowly backed the pair up into his apartment and closed the door, cradling wooyoung into his body as he rubbed his back comfortingly.

"sangie- it was- it was wrong of m-me to say that s-stuff... i got scared he'd- i got scared hongjoong would t-take you from me.. i was scared y-you'd favor him over me.." wooyoung cried, nosing his face into yeosang's neck, fingers curling around the boy's shirt.

yeosang took the box from wooyoung's hands and set it on the counter before leading the pair to the couch, and being as wooyoung had his face buried, he wasn't complaining. the older pulled wooyoung into his lap as he sat down, and the boy instinctively tightened his legs around yeosang's waist as he clutched him tighter.

𝚒 𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚏 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 || yeongyuWhere stories live. Discover now