𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖘𝖎𝖝

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"yeonjun's being weird." taehyun deadpanned, eyes flicking between the three boys in front of him.

"wow really??" beomgyu snapped, an amused glance being obviously shot to the younger.

soobin sighed and set his hand on beomgyu's leg, a warning so obvious taehyun and kai could sense it as well.

"there's no need to be rude beomgyu. we're confused and we want to know what yeonjun did." soobin reasoned, his other hand coming to rest in kai's.

the boys were seated on the couch with soobin between beomgyu and kai, and taehyun was stood in front of them.

"he didn't do anything. he just stood there while i cried because i'm a fucking baby." beomgyu snapped again, pushing soobin's hand off of his thigh and standing up. soobin went to stand as well, but beomgyu was already at the steps and moving quickly towards his room.

taehyun sighed and shook his head, looking to soobin and kai who mirrored his expression.

beomgyu opened his door and immediately slammed it back shut, angrily jumping onto his bed after making sure every light in his room was off.

he knew it was too soon to go to bed, but with the slowly darkening sky, he wanted nothing but to lay in the dark abyss of his room.

when he realized no one was chasing after him, he relaxed his body and felt the heavy burden of sadness weighing on his chest. he had no idea why he was sad, or possibly upset.

and then the first tear fell, followed by a full flow that soon wet his cheeks as if he had stood in the pouring rain.

beomgyu felt his throat burning from holding the sobs he ached to release, his eyes blurred, and his heart heavy.

"why am i even crying..." he whispered, sinking further into his pillow as more tears spilled down his pink tinted cheeks.

beomgyu thought back to his childhood, back to being the disappointment. he thought about yeonjun, how he became the older's punching bag.

"what's his p-problem... i hate him so m-much.." beomgyu choked out, resorting to talking to himself to solve his problems.

he didn't want to burden anyone with them, and even then, he had no idea why he had a sudden outburst. he felt awful for snapping at soobin, and being genuinely rude to taehyun. he felt awful for being a disappointment to his parents, and being unable to even function properly anymore.

"yeonjun saved me embarrassment by s-smashing my guitar... i fucking suck a-at playing.." beomgyu whispered to himself, taking a few moments to sharply breathe in.

"i'm so.. so useless.. why does anyone even hang out with me.." beomgyu sobbed, flipping over onto his stomach to bury his face into his pillow to muffle the growing noise.

his body shook with sobs as his pillow became wet, his small body wrapped tightly in his blankets as some form of comfort.

"i bet yeonjun i-is just be-being nice to f-fuck me up." beomgyu's voice was strong for a few seconds, but his sentence ended in a heartbreaking waver.

beomgyu then drug himself out of his bed and immediately stumbled, opening his door as quietly as possible and slipping through the crack.

he sat on the edge of the steps, the dark hallway submerged into silence as beomgyu tried to listen for voices.

small sniffles echoed throughout the landing, with beomgyu immediately trying to cover them up with a sleeved hand.

the house was silent except for hushed voices coming from soobin's room, which was down the hall from beomgyu's.

𝚒 𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚏 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 || yeongyuWhere stories live. Discover now