Itachi Part 1 Going Off the Deep End

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In your younger days you were always warned to stay away from the Uchiha compound. Oddly enough that only drew you to it more when you were just a little girl.

You remember you'd stand by the entrance and peak in. You'd see some of the mom's smile at you while doing their laundry finding you cute.

You'd chase butterflies pretending like that were the real reason you always hung out there. You'd chase them and watch as the flew into the compound where you'd halt at the doorway like there were some invisible barrier.

One of the mom's in particular seemed to always take a noticing to you and told one of her boys.

"You can come in if you like"

You remember hearing his voice as you gasped and looked up seeing a young boy with huge beady eyes and a calming sort of demeanor at the gates.

He were standing directly in front of you with a small smile. You'd never spoken with an Uchiha before and you initially withdrew.

One of the butterflies you'd been playing with landed on his nose and you looked at him in shock. Butterflies never did that to anyone. Especially not dangerous people right?

He seemed to laugh a little and it fluttered away. He watched you watch the butterfly fly off and get a little sad.

"You know for someone who's always looking like they want to come in here, I certainly expected a different reaction upon being invited in" he added.

You tilted your head up at him and he smiled again.

"Come, I promise to show you something cool" he added.

Slowly thinking about it you took the brave step forward crossing that barrier. He smiled and took your hand in his and ran with you through the compound.

You were all sorts of scared but at the same time couldn't help gawking at every little thing and every person. You'd never seen the inside to the place so it were a big deal in your eyes.

"The place I want to show you is just up ahead" he continued to pull you and you weren't sure if you should be afraid of him but you still followed.

He brought you to a little clearing to what looked like a little garden and he watched your jaw drop seeing how many butterflies there were.

"They're attracted to these" he smiled leaning down and picking one of the flowers from the ground.

He waved you to come closer and you stared down at the flower having never seen one before.

"They're native to the Konoha region but they seem to only grow inside the compound, must be the slight difference in minerals in the soil" he stated and you couldn't help looking up at him thinking he were the smartest kid you ever met.

"Y-You sure know a lot" you admitted shyly.

He looked back at you and smiled before tucking the flower behind your ear.

You blushed like crazy and had to cover your face a little while he laughed at your reaction.

"Look!" he suddenly stated pulling you out of your nervousness.

A butterfly started to near you and he told you to freeze like a statue.

You gasped and did exactly what he said.

You both watched as the butterfly fluttered near your face a little making you giggle like crazy.

"See they love those flowers" he smiled gesturing to the flower he tucked behind your ear.

From then on each time you went to that gate. Itachi always seemed to show up. 

He showed you all kinds of things. From flowers, to gardens, and one day to the koi in his back pond outside his house.

You remember the nervous look on your face realizing he'd brought you to his home.

His mom opened the door to come and empty some dish water and she spotted you only to smile with delight seeing you finally made friends with her son Itachi.

You recognized her a little bit.

"You're the lady who's always hanging out her laundry to dry in the wind!" you blurted and she giggled. Itachi seemed to smile too. You instantly became shy again and slightly hid behind her son for help.

She tittered again finding you the cutest. "Why don't you go show her the koi in the pond Itachi, I bet she'd love that"

You lit up and Itachi nodded before taking your hand and running through the house with you to get to the pond.

Itachi set koi food in your palms while standing directly behind you and guided you to dip your hands in the water.

You screamed when koi started splashing to get at the food in your hands and you both froze when a wave of water struck both you and Itachi in the face.

You both looked at each other in shock before bursting into laughter.

After a little while of playing with you in the garden Itachi got you to sit in his lap while he read you his favourite book. Something about crows.

Mikoto watched through the blinds and smiled to herself. You two were only children and yet she could see you developing a very special bond.

"Itachi. Who's this?" You both jumped hearing a new voice.

You both looked up to see a tall man standing there and he looked to be Itachi's father.

Itachi seemed to act a little different in his company but he soon went back to smiling when he focused on you.

"This is y/n! She's going to be my girlfriend!" he stated matter of fact and his father just looked at him in utter shock for going around saying such things.

Your face went bright red.

His father suddenly let out a loud chuckle.

"Is that so? Well then why doesn't your girlfriend stay for dinner" he stated playing along with it and you didn't know how to react.

Itachi's mother came out of the house too.

"I made something very special y/n, you'll want to try it" she added raising her brow baiting you into staying. 

Itachi pinched your cheek.

"She won't admit it but she'd love to stay" he spoke for you and you found yourself unable to help but fidget with your dress and blush shyly.

"Great" His mom smiled.

You couldn't believe how nice everyone were being.. Why were they so feared by others? You could not understand as you sat there wondering.


Itachi x Reader Going Off the Deep EndWhere stories live. Discover now