Itachi Part 16 Going Off The Deep End

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The next morning you awoke to an empty bed.

You briskly sat up glancing around for Itachi but he were nowhere to be found.. 

You couldn't sense his presence anywhere and felt a pit form in your stomach knowing you were alone.

There were no note.

 No sign of struggle either.

Something told you it were intentional and to not linger.

You furrowed your brows and shook the thoughts from your head. You had a mission to complete with or without him. It hurt less if you didn't dwell on it.

You forced yourself to quickly shower and gather yourself before leaving. On your way out you stopped to return the room key. Your eyes scanned the back noticing Itachi's cloak were still hanging beside yours. 

He'd gone without it.

"Early start" the keeper commented with a smile and newspaper. You forced a smile. 

"Yes, my partner had an urgent matter to attend to" you lied to make it seem less apparent you'd been deserted.

"Should I bring you his jacket too?" He asked while reaching for both of them.

"No." You said shortly startling both yourself and him. You searched your thoughts uncomfortably.

"Just leave his. He will come back for it" you lied. Even if he planned to return you didn't want to encourage it. If anything a part of you wished he would just stay away from all of this.

The housekeeper looked you over before nodding and giving you your cloak back. He sensed an underlying sadness despite your obvious closeness with the man you spent the night with so eagerly.

He looked like he wanted to say something but held back.

"Travel safe dear" he stated.

"Thanks" you whispered before leaving off.


You searched the town for the duration of the morning before finally closing in on your target. You'd managed to overhear enough conversations before finally tracking the man down. 

You squinted through the rain as a man slowly walked on ahead. He appeared to be carrying tools with him as if a simple workman but you knew by the red hair and beard he matched the description of your Jinchūriki.

You were about to begin tailing him when you felt the wave of Pain's chakra rush through your body summoning you for another virtual meeting. 

Your eyes widened in horror unsure of what to do about Itachi's absence..

Glancing around you quickly headed for a clearing before entering into the necessary meditation. Your body buzzed as your chakra interweaved and connected with Pain's bringing you back to the same dark room atop the Gedo statue.

Itachi x Reader Going Off the Deep EndWhere stories live. Discover now