Itachi Part 14 Going Off the Deep End

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You and Itachi were making excellent time closing in on Iwagakure; The Hidden Stone village.

You were only about a day and a half's journey out when that familiar wave of Pain's chakra emanated through your bodies notifying you of another virtual gathering. On cue you and Itachi cleared off to the side before joining the meeting through meditation.

Upon connection you glanced around noticing you were all standing upon the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path in a dark cave. Down below lie the One Tails Jinchuriki host looking quite lifeless after Sasori and Deidara had already successfully collected his body.

Across the way you recognised Sasori who gave a small wave to you. He were inside one of his puppets again to hide his identity. You gave a small wave back while Deidara 'hmmphed' and proceeded to brag on how he did all the work taking down the first tailed beast.

You zoned out glancing back down to the unconscious Jinchuriki left so cruelly for display.

You felt the smallest tinge of guilt for the individual but there weren't much you could do at this point. 

This were part of the path you had no choice but to walk..

Deidara were still rambling on but caught your attention when he mentioned still wanting to 'fight' a few of his fellow team mates. You knew that meant both you and Sasori which made you release a sigh. He were apparently still salty over how you pulled a quick one on him in his early recruitment. In regards to Sasori; those two never got along from the beginning and had clashing perspectives on art.

"And what about you hmm?" Deidara turned his attention toward Itachi who remained quiet. 

"You're an Uchiha right? I hear everything special about your kind is just genetics. Not much of an 'accomplished talent' if you ask me..." He smirked wanting to see if he could get under his skin.

Itachi didn't react like he hadn't even heard him. This seemed to really get under Deidara's skin since he wouldn't even acknowledge him. Did he think he were superior to his art?

"Leave him alone Deidara" you warned which only caused Deidara to bark into laughter.

"Hahah! And just what are you going to do about it hmm sweetheart?" he teased cheekily causing you to grit your teeth. You kept your cool despite this knowing he were just trying to bait you into fighting him but honestly you wouldn't mind doing such a thing.

"You sound like you want to find out Deidara" Sasori mocked knowing you'd full well fight him if you two were actually in the same room right now.

Deidara shot him a glare wondering why his partner were siding with you over him before his eyes zeroed back in on Itachi.

"I don't know her guard dog seems pretty docile to me. I'd bet I could take both her and her boyfriend down" he smirked.

"I'd be careful who you pick a fight with Deidara" Kisame chuckled under his breath having heard stories of both you and the Uchiha.

Itachi's didn't say anything but let his red eyes flickered through the dark further peeving Deidara.

Pain proceeded to intervene out of slight annoyance and gathered everyone's attention for the sealing of the Bijuu would take up to three days even with all nine of your chakras infused.

It was then you noticed the group short a few members; Obito, and Nagato weren't present though you hadn't seen Nagato since your visit in the Hidden Rain.

You were honestly relieved to not have to face Obito after your last encounter though his absence were strange.

You, Itachi, Konan, Kisame, Zetsu, Deidara, Sasori, and Hidan all synchronised your chakras while Pain activated the statue as it shifted and creaked beneath your feet. Some of its eyes partially opened and closed coming to life.

Once the sealing process began it were actually somewhat horrific to watch so you kept your eyes shut for most of it while lending your aid in the strange jutsu.

Just as promised three full days had passed.

When the Jinchuriki host's body lowered back to the ground you knew his life would fade after being separated from his tailed beast. 

You felt only a little drained after participating in the sealing process but that energy soon returned at the mention of Shinobi approaching. Zetsu could sense them and quickly vanished through the floor to gather further intel.

When he returned he half glanced at you before informing Pain it were Konoha ninja. Pain pieced together that the Sand must have called for aid from their allied nations after Deidara and Sasori made such a considerable attack immobilising the Sand village.

You all took this a sign to disperse leaving Deidara and Sasori to handle the Konoha ninja. You gave Sasori a small nod to be careful before disconnecting.

In an instant you were back in the forest in your present body as you and Itachi glanced at each other. The mention of Konoha had piqued your interest wondering who had been sent out. 

The very mention of home made you miss the people and the life you and Itachi once lived.

You wondered if he were curious about it too but he seemed calm as ever. It were strange... each time you glanced his way he always looked so content just to be here with you.

It always broke your heart knowing that you were the reason he couldn't see his friends or family.

"Come we'd best continue. The rain clouds are gathering" he instructed placing his hand on the small of your back while glancing to the sky.

You obeyed his instruction just forgetting the subject and continuing forward through the trees.

You reminded yourself not to resonate on it for it would only hurt more. 

There were no hopes of going back.


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