Itachi Part 4 Going Off the Deep End

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You awoke to the sound of an early morning knock at your front door. 

Your mother answered and she smiled seeing it were Itachi who'd come to see you.

She adored him since he treated you like some princess since you were kids.

'He has the sweetest manners' she always said to you when he weren't around.

"Hello Itachi" she smiled.

"Hello miss l/n. I'm here to see your daughter" he stated.

She nodded figuring as much. She had heard of your little dispute but had a hunch it wouldn't last for very long. 

You were thankful she had come around to like him and respect the Uchiha as a whole.

When you were a kid she were one of the ones to warn you not to go near them. There were a big misunderstanding surrounding them that even continued on to today. You knew it just stemmed from fear.

She never even knew that you went off running to the Uchiha compound all the time. What she did remember was the first time she spotted the two of you walking through the village one day.

Initially she were really upset and were about to go over there and separate the two of you but she froze when she watched him stop you and lean down to tie your shoe lace that had come undone. He then crossed the street with you and held your hand looking both ways for any moving carts or wagons.

She were almost stumped on how a mere kid could behave in such ways.

Shortly after he started showing up on her doorstep on the regular to come see you. He even took over her job of walking you home from school everyday. 

She had come all the way there to spot him already there with you. She smiled to herself thinking he were like your own guardian angel at this point. 

She let it be, she had begun to trust him with her own daughter through his demonstrated care.

Her opinion about the Uchiha had definitely shifted into something more positive when she saw just how one of them behaved.

You yawned and quickly got dressed to meet Itachi who waited on your doorstep.

Your mom had invited him in but he seemed to want to stay outside.

When you saw him standing there with the trace of a smile you lit up instantly. 

He didn't hate you.

You're not sure what overcame you put you ran up and hugged him to his surprise.

He let out a small laugh and you felt him slowly hug you back.

"Get a room you two" your mom joked since the front door were still wide open and she saw everything.

Your face burned red and you quickly shut the door with a quick 'bye mom'.

Itachi stood there waiting before the two of you scurried off to go to the Dango shop.

On the way there you heard the sound of some kid creating a ruckus and running through the streets. He were gone before the two of you could even process what had happened.

Little did you two know it were a young Naruto already beginning to stir up trouble.

"How's Sasuke" you asked and he instantly smirked.

"He's good. He's constantly wanting to train per usual. He always asks about you too you know.."

You smirked and he laughed a little.

"Maybe I should pay him a visit then" you suggested casually.

"Maybe you should" he smirked back accepting the casual offer to come over to his house again.

The two of you made it to the Dango shop and the owner smirked upon your entering recognizing you two instantly.

"You two realise it's 8 am in the morning right?"

You both snickered. It were never too early for sugary treats.

"Jeez you two" the owner shook his head and started preparing some food not even having to ask for your order. He already knew it.

Two dangos and two matcha green teas.

"Just one tea today" Itachi intervened to your surprise.

"Already had one this morning?" You asked curiously.

"No, just not in the mood" he explained so you didn't think much of it.

You paid for the treats and both you and the owner stuck your tongue out at each other playfully. You'd done it since you were a kid and planned to do it all the way into adulthood.

Itachi grabbed some napkins while you went to sit at the table closest to the door to see the view.

You handed him his treat and you both munched while sitting side by side.

 You went to take a sip of your tea and set it back down after.

You froze when Itachi picked it up next and had a sip too.

You looked at him.

"I thought you didn't want tea today?"

"I didn't. I just want what's yours." He said taking another bite of his snack casually.

You were a little flustered from that but didn't say anything back.

When you both finished your treats he took another sip of your tea then brought it to your lips next to your surprise.

Hesitantly you took a sip while he looked you in the eye.

He smirked and set the cup back down.

The owner lifted a brow seeing that manoeuvre from the other end of the store but kept it casual like he weren't snooping on you two.

All of the adults in Konoha always saw the pair of you together and had pretty well pieced it together you and Itachi were becoming childhood sweethearts.

You were both around the age where you would soon realise it too.

"Come, why don't we spend the rest of the day together. I don't have to work until the evening." he suggested.

"Okay" you nodded grateful things were going back to how they once were.. or at least that's what you thought until he suddenly took your hand in his as you both walked out of there.


Itachi x Reader Going Off the Deep EndWhere stories live. Discover now