Itachi Part 12 Going Off the Deep End

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Everyone gathered at the base except for that Hidan guy. He seemed to linger outside the whole night.

When you entered the building Itachi stayed close at your side even putting his arm around your waist. It gave you the shivers but you felt so conflicted. 

You were grateful to see him again but you couldn't bring yourself to utter even a word to him. Not after what he'd done.

You headed straight for your room and he followed before quietly sliding the door shut and turning to face you.

"I take it you're not happy with me" 

His voice were like silk when he spoke. It made you feel guilty for being mad with him. 

"No Itachi. I'm not okay with what you've done.. why did you have to do this??"

He were quiet as he just stared at the ground thinking on what to say. He knew why you were upset but his desire to live a life which were not separated from you were stronger.

"I told you. Whatever path you wish to walk, I must walk it with you. " 

You sighed.

"No. You can't Itachi. Don't you realise how much you've just thrown away?? What about your family? What about those that the leaf will eventually send to hunt and kill you? Did you even consider that?" Tears were already streaming down your cheeks as you got all worked up and worried over it at the same time.

He didn't even say anything he just stared at you in silence.

After a while he came over and sat next to you on the bed. You were looking down at your palms in your lap and after a moment he took your hand in his.

"I've missed you more than you know" he stated which only made you cry more. You didn't want him here. Not if it meant his life would be on the line.

He gently guided you toward him where he enveloped you in a hug that grew tighter by the second. The feeling of his strong arms encasing you had you surrendering.

"I'm not letting you go y/n." he mentioned in your ear giving you the shivers.

You tucked into him and his one hand gently held the back of your head. 

 You breathed in his old familiar scent and slowly accepted the embrace. It had been too long.

"I missed you too, more than anything" you admitted sadly. 

He then slowly guided you in for a deep kiss. 

When his warm lips met yours they were hungry. He hadn't seen you for so long and had missed the feeling of your skin and his hands through your hair.

His firm hands strongly grabbed your hips pulling you to straddle him.

You gasped but his lips wouldn't allow you to make any noise. Not in a place like this.

He then rolled on the bed trapping you beneath him. His hands were on either side of your head as he hovered above with his raven hair dangling in your face.

Itachi x Reader Going Off the Deep EndWhere stories live. Discover now