Itachi Part 9 Going Off the Deep End

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*Time jump back to the day Itachi helped you escape from the village*

Itachi found himself on your old doorstep as he hesitated to knock.

Him and Shisui had managed to cover most of everything up. Aside from the killing.. You were blacklisted as a rogue before they could work fast enough to cover that up too. One of the anbu had made it to the Hokage before they could reach him and told him the crime you'd committed.

Your mother slowly opened the door to her surprise finding Itachi standing there. He had a sorrowful look to his face to which your mother furrowed her brows. She searched his expression as if trying to read his very thoughts. 

Why would he show up here without bringing you home?

"...I'm sorry I failed your very wish miss l/n" he lowered his head unable to even meet her gaze.

Your mom were completely silent before dropping on her knees in shock. It felt exactly the same as the day they delivered the news that your father had been killed in battle and wouldn't be returning.

Itachi hesitated to draw closer and gently place a hand on her shoulder for comfort.

"I did everything I could to protect her. She's still alive but she won't ever be coming back here. I'm sorry" his voice quivered the slightest and he coldly turned his back on her. He'd never felt so heavy with shame and guilt in this moment. He'd been your protector for years always keeping you safe and walking you home. It felt like the worst day of his life having to face your mother and tell her to her face he couldn't protect you this time.

He suddenly stopped before looking back at her.

"I should really give this back" he pulled something from his pocket.

"No!" Your mother blurted out as she rose from the porch and walked back up to him before he could take off down the sidewalk.

"You're not giving it back. You made a promise to me Itachi and you're not breaking it. You'll bring my daughter back and safely" she demanded while he lowered his head again sadly.

She pushed the hand which he held out back to his chest for him to hang on to the object.

"You promised" she looked him in the eye with a nod before turning to go back inside and shut the door.

He glanced at the garden and at the small flowers that you had managed to keep alive all this time. He remembered the time he planted them there to bring you delight on your first birthday spent together. 

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