Itachi Part 7 Going Off the Deep End

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You shuddered when you looked across the street spotting the two masked shinobi.

They didn't so much as move but instead stared at you waiting for your response.

You took in a deep breath and leapt toward them following after them.

They lead you toward Danzo's base where he awaited inside.

Your heart were racing like crazy as you slowly went up the steps and stopped just ahead of him.

You instinctively lowered to one knee and bowed your head to him. Every muscle in your body were resisting to cooperate but you still behaved properly.

"The time has come y/n"

"I'd like to assign you your first mission"

"As you may have noticed the Uchiha are quite the crafty people, it's been quite a concern of mine that one day there will be another attack on the village with the ninetails. Only they hold such power to influence that beast.. I won't allow for that to happen again" He began. 

Kakashi were right. He may not have come out and said it directly but he hated the Uchiha. He certainly were eluding to it.

"What is it you want me to do then" you asked trying to hide the anger in your voice.

He fell silent staring at you for several moments.

"It's come to my attention that you and Itachi are intimate"

Your head jerked up and you felt both his men suddenly appear at his side as though warning you not to step out of line.

Danzo waved them off.

"It's fine. Let me handle this"

"All I ask is that you keep an eye on him for me. I want to know everything he does in his off time"

You clenched your fists. He wanted you to spy on your own boyfriend?!

"If you do not obey, I will simply tell the Hokage your jutsu is too unstable and thus have you eliminated."

Your eyes widened. Before you could even respond he coldly dismissed you.

One of his men that wore goggles and a black cloak snatched you by your arm and pulled you out of there.


From there on you were faced with a heavy decision. Would you simply stand by while Danzo perfectly schemed to have everything go his way? Or would you do.. the unspeakable..

Your hands were quivering as you went straight home that night avoiding Itachi. His family had invited you over for dinner but you couldn't go over there. Not after what Danzo had asked of you. You wouldn't do it.

Not to them. Not to Itachi.


Three days had passed and you had skillfully avoided Itachi since. You couldn't spy if you were never around him right? 

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