Itachi Part 10 Going Off the Deep End

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You followed your new master to the hidden rain. A year had passed with him and he had kindly poured quite a bit of training into you. Even Zetsu had given you some insight and you'd finally managed to overcome and gain control over your clan's Ninjutsu.

This were quite the achievement  in your eyes seeing as you never thought you'd come so far.

Growing up without a father to guide and show you the way made it very difficult on you. He were one of the last users and died with many of its secrets.

Most clans today had predecessors or scrolls to teach them but even your mother were just a regular civilian and could not help you.

Obito had found a way to unlock these boundaries and even taught you new Ninjutsus and special combination attacks so the two of you paired would be unstoppable.

You felt indebted to him.

"We're going to need to form an organisation" he explained over his shoulder.

You were quiet as you simply followed his every command and wish.

 Zetsu seemed to accompany the both of you on all your trips and you actually felt quite safe between the two of them. Anytime someone came after you for the bounty on your head they would protect you if you couldn't protect yourself.

Just as Obito had explained he put on a persona of Madara and even spoke differently.

 It gave you chills imagining how Madara must have sounded if he were alive today.

Obito had let you cut his hair and looked a little different from when you'd first met. His mask had changed to one with strange swirls that resembled the Kamui. 

You remember the day he had come up to you in the past asking a favour.

"Will you cut my hair?" he asked.

You were a bit shocked just imagining how important one's hair must be but you rose up and nodded taking the scissors. He sat down in a chair letting you do your best to give him a short haircut. You felt almost guilty snipping away his locks but it would probably serve him better in battle.

It were really quite strange seeing him take on Madara's persona. His voice had deepened so much and his confidence were almost terrifying. If you ever met the real Madara you'd be shaking in your boots..

As you approached the hidden rain you both looked around. There seemed to be somewhat of a war coming to an end. Obito had explained that the hidden rain were always the victim of other nations wars. The second one ended; another would start for they were surrounded by all the other nations serving as almost a no man's land. 

The people there were experiencing a great depression and shortage of food along with it. Obito seemed to be ever focused on this rumour of three great shinobi. They were forming together to battle against and defend their nation against all the abuses of these wars.

When you showed up however there were only two.. You furrowed your brows realising they had lost not only their friend but their leader.

Itachi x Reader Going Off the Deep EndWhere stories live. Discover now