Itachi Part 5 Going Off the Deep End

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Itachi brought you around the village and the two of you quickly got used to each other's company again. You couldn't help noticing he were a little more affectionate toward you. 

His hands were constantly on you.

Whether he placed them on the small of your back or held your hand in his.

Each time you looked at him he'd give you a smile from the corner of his eye gauging your reactions.

"So y/n" he trailed intertwining his fingers with yours.

You felt a flutter in your stomach as he did so. You forgot how to breath as he slowly stepped in front of you blocking your path. 

"Yes?" you trailed nervously looking up at him standing under his tall shadow. You were certain he must've detected your nerves for your heart were practically beating out of your chest.

"My family, they really like you." he started.

"..Shisui too" he added and you felt yourself blushing from the way he were looking at you right now.

"I have a bit of a problem I need help with though.."

You furrowed your brows a little while he smiled subtly.

"What is it?"

"It's to do with Sasuke, you see. He keeps asking his older brother when he's going to gain the nerve to finally ask you out. As his big brother, I just don't know what to tell him.." he mentioned casually and you found yourself battling a smile.

He chuckled. "What do you say y/n, will you be mine?"

You fell silent feeling quite overwhelmed by the pleasant turn of events. 

You drew in a deep breath though and bravely stepped closer to look up at him.

"I've always been yours Itachi"

Your response made him smile and he tenderly cupped your cheek.

The two of your hearts were racing in that moment with anticipation of what would happen next.

You felt yourselves drawing closer and his eyes kept flickering down to your lips.

"May I kiss you?" he asked in almost a whisper.

You slowly nodded before he leaned down connecting his lips with yours. You felt your world change in that moment. His arms came around you as you melted into his holds. 

He were always the man you were meant to be with.

When you two drew apart you were both smiling.

"I've loved you from when we were kids" he admitted. A small tear ran down your cheek as you nodded and hugged him.

"I did too"


From then on you were his for real. 

Itachi continued on advancing in the anbu along with Shisui and Kakashi while you focused on bettering your training. You were getting stronger each day but hadn't quite mastered your clan's jutsu yet. 

Itachi x Reader Going Off the Deep EndWhere stories live. Discover now