Itachi Part 15 Going Off the Deep End

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 Pushing to move forward you and Itachi made it all the way for Hidden Stone village before the evening could set in. The streets were growing darker by the minute as the brewing rain clouds seemed to follow you both there.

Following your assistance in Deidara's recruitment a few years back you knew exactly how to sneak into the place without going noticed. Thankfully there wasn't much surveillance for Akatsuki members yet so no one paid much mind to your strange robes. You probably just appeared as travellers.

You and Itachi intended to subtly walk around the village until you either heard news or caught sight of the Jinchūriki host. You knew of his name and a brief description but that's all you had to go by.

You were walking through the rocky streets with Itachi on your left when he suddenly caught you by your sleeve stopping you.

You looked up at him alarmed thinking something were wrong but instead you saw a hint of a smile trace his lips.

"Come with me" his cool voice requested.

You furrowed your brows in wonder as you let him lead you into what appeared to be a busy cafe. He watched in amusement as you recognised what they were serving at this place.

"..Itachi I don't think we have time for excursions right now" 

He lifted a brow as he sat down at one of the tables.

"There's no excursion. We're here to simply eavesdrop on the locals and gather intel on our target" he stated cooly though that small glint in his eyes didn't go unnoticed. You fought a smile as you caved and took a seat across from him.

"Good" he approved before picking up a menu. 

"Look at that they serve dangos here.." he mocked surprise making you stifle a laugh.

You rolled your eyes knowing he full-well knew this were a dango shop and were just trying to make you smile.

"Why don't you wait here I'll go get us some food." You nodded and watched while he left you at the table.

You glanced around keeping alert of the villagers chatting and eating in the background. Subtly scanning them none seemed to fit the descriptions of your target. You kept your ears perked for any notable conversations.

All you heard were mentions over the rainy weather expected this week and how it might just slow down business. That felt true even for you two as you glanced out at the gloomy street. It were a lot harder to locate someone when everyone stayed indoors due to the weather. 

You were thankful to be under a roof right now because just as Itachi predicted a substantial down pour began to take place outside.

The sounds of two plates setting down on the table startled you as Itachi returned with fresh food.

Instead of sitting across from you he decidedly slid into the booth next to you and put an arm over your shoulder. The manoeuvre made your stomach twirl and you tried to calm your heart by focusing on the treats ahead.

When you reached for one he intervened, stopping you. He instead stroked your hair behind your ear. You looked up at him with a blush wondering what he were doing.

Itachi x Reader Going Off the Deep EndWhere stories live. Discover now