Itachi Part 3 Going Off the Deep End

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"Y/n get back here!" Itachi raised his voice as he chased you through the forest desperately.

You were furious and crying at the same time as you sprinted and jumped through trees.

"Just get lost" you cried.

He landed directly behind you just about snatching your arm but you moved even quicker leaping forward before he could.

Somehow you were always quicker than him when it came to speed and that said a lot for he were an Uchiha.

"Y/n!" He yelled and you shivered a little. It were unusual to hear him raise his voice so when he did it actually scared you.

The next branch you stepped on he suddenly pulled a trick manoeuvre appearing out of nowhere and catching you by your waist. 

The impact sent the two of you flying from the tree.

You gasped midair but he acted quick pulling you into him and swiftly landing on his feet with you safe in his arms.

You were momentarily flustered but soon went back to your flight-mode trying to escape his grips. He proved stronger though once he had his holds on you.

"Y/n! Stop." he ordered sternly and you finally gave in starting to break into tears again.

"Why did you do it" he demanded and you found yourself shaking a little in his grip as it grew tighter. 

You shook your head still struggling to come to terms with it yourself. The look he gave you in the moment suggested you not play around with him right now.

"Because I was angry... I saw you with Izumi" you finally blurted and Itachi's angered look immediately dissipated.

He finally understood what had driven you to do what you'd done.

In all honesty he were kind of relieved..

That meant it wasn't your Ninjutsu..

 It wasn't Danzo.. 

No, it were just jealousy.

He all of a sudden smiled and you looked at him in shock at would could possibly be worth smiling for right now.

He sighed and his grip softened on you as he set you down finally.

"Y/n, you know I don't feel that way for her" he explained and you still furrowed your brows a little looking away from him.

"That's not what she said" you crossed your arms and he seemed a little disappointed in Izumi figuring she must've told a clever lie to upset you like this. He thought he had made himself clear with her but apparently not.

His mind drifted a little until it grew very angry again.

"Why him though, y/n you're still under age!" he glared as he towered over you.

You suddenly felt really guilty and stupid in that moment as you kind of realised you were no better than Izumi right now and regretted your decisions..

Itachi x Reader Going Off the Deep EndWhere stories live. Discover now