Itachi Part 8 Going Off the Deep End

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When you awoke you were in all kinds of agony. You almost screamed out as you realised your body were somewhat destroyed.

Your ribs must have been broken for every breath you took were agonising. Your wrists begged you not to move for the tendons kept locking and your gut felt bruised up.

You had to keep your breaths shallow as you slowly got to your feet and looked around. Your eyes squinted as it started to lightly drizzle down on you. 

Rain.. You glanced around and saw you were on the outskirts of some village far from the hidden leaf.

You didn't even recognize it. It didn't look like the land of sand.. was this the land of waves? No.. it looked like some forestry area with bones littered everywhere. You suddenly looked down noticing the blood allover yourself.

..So you really did it huh.. you realised you must've killed Danzo..

You shuddered and curled within yourself. 

You hated yourself and your jutsu. It made you into something else.. a true monster.

It didn't feel good to be a murderer.. You wondered if Itachi knew about this.. Would he be able to look at you the same way if he found out?

You started to cry when you heard a voice and instantly rose to your feet.

You had to hold back the urge to whimper having already forgotten to be careful of your wounds.

"Jeez you really look like shit kid" a man stepped out from the shadows as he took in your state. He had a tiger-like mask and long pointy black hair.

"What brings you here?"

Your eyes widened not knowing what to say.

He narrowed his eyes from behind the mask and smiled a little though all you could see were the orange mask. "You don't have to lie. I can already see it on your face. You were about to make up something weren't you?"

You shifted on your feet unsurely.

"At least let me treat those wounds. You're not from around here, are you?"

You were hesitant to let him near you but the pain were killing you. Eventually he convinced you to follow him for some medical treatment. He lead you to what looked like some abandoned base where everything were dark and quiet inside.

He lead you to a small table where he invited you to take a seat.

He left to go grab a small box and returned to set it on the table. Inside were medical tools as he gestured for you to lift your arms.

"I have to apologize my medical ninjutsu was never as good as hers.." he trailed talking more to himself as he ghostily looked at your wounds and did what he could to offer you treatment.

He slightly healed your ribs and then massaged at your wrists and tendons before tightly bandaging them to keep the pressure tight on them. 

Itachi x Reader Going Off the Deep EndWhere stories live. Discover now