Itachi Part 6 Going Off the Deep End

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When you awoke you fully expected to be alone but to your delight you turned over to spot Itachi still next to you.

His head were on his arms as he lay on his stomach. His raven hair were spilled everywhere and you couldn't resist the urge to touch him. He looked like some fallen angel.

You watched as his face shifted into a smile as he moved a little and his eyes flickered open.

"Morning gorgeous" he smirked.

"Morning handsome" you giggled and he tugged you into him playfully making you scream when his touch started to tickle.

You heard your mother downstairs making tea and you half debated hopping out the window just to avoid her finding out but Itachi stopped you and took your hand.

He didn't say anything but his soft smile suggested not to do such a thing. 

You felt unsure of this.. but you also respected and trusted him.

You both got dressed and you drew in a deep breath.

"It's alright trust me." he squeezed your hand.

The two of you headed down the stairs and you felt your heart pounding in your chest. Was this really a good idea?..

Your mom turned to glance over her shoulder and did a double take when she saw Itachi with you.


Your face went red and you prepared for her to throw the tea at you or start screaming but instead she reached into the cabinet and just grabbed another cup.


She then poured the tea into three cups and wore a small smile not saying anything.

"You two better hurry up I hear there's a mini festival going on today" she mentioned.

"Thank you miss l/n" he smirked and took two of the cups bringing you one.

You had a sip and watched your mom unable to help but feel both surprised and suspicious that she weren't really reacting..

"Why don't we head to that festival then y/n" Itachi mentioned.

You looked at him and he smiled. You nodded quickly running up the stairs to grab a small satchel that had all your money in it and straightened out your hair a little before running back down.

To avoid being rude you gulped down the tea your mother had made despite how hot it were. 

Itachi had already finished his while he waited on you. Your mother and him seemed to be discussing something and you thought you saw her hand him something but they stopped talking and both looked at you.

Your mom still wore that strange smile as if acting unaware though she were completely aware.


"Well, get going y/n" your mom stated.

Itachi reached his hand out waiting.

Itachi x Reader Going Off the Deep EndWhere stories live. Discover now