Itachi Part 11 Going Off the Deep End

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Obito proceeded to set off in search of the last two remaining Akatsuki members.

 You weren't sure how long you'd been away from the village anymore.. It felt like at least two years.. maybe even three.. who knew.

Time felt so hazy these days..

One of the men Obito sought after were a rumored bounty hunter who especially targeted rogues. You assumed that's why he asked you to remain. He'd likely try to kill you before Obito could even chat with him.

In the back of your mind you knew that if he succeeded in bringing on those two that the mission would be complete and the final one would begin..

The Akatsuki would be formed and you'd all be headed for the hidden rain where a stream of difficult missions would be assigned to each of you.

 It almost gave you chills realizing this were all coming to an end. 

You'd spent so long living under Obito's watch that you weren't sure what life would be like from here on.

Part of you wondered if you'd even live past it.. from what you gathered you'd all be hunting Jinchuriki. You shook your head wondering what you'd gotten yourself into.

You wondered what were happening back in Konoha.. You wondered how Itachi's parents were. You wondered how much Sasuke had grown. You wondered if Izumi had gotten her chance with Itachi..

All these thoughts clouded your mind while you headed back through the forest on your way for the base. 

When Obito had informed you that he wouldn't be needing you for this recruitment you realised just how dangerous those two must be if he didn't want you present. 

 You overheard that one of them faced Hashirama in battle and survived.. 

You couldn't even imagine..

It also started to come to your attention just how well some of these Akatsuki members managed to cheat death.. Sasori especially. You weren't even sure how old he must have been but something told you he were older than Obito..

You were taking your next step when you halted in your tracks sensing something were off. 

You felt as though you were being watched. 

You didn't like it one bit.. You adjusted your cloak and continued walking on. You were preparing for something bad to happen and kept your guard up.

You screamed when the sensation of lightning struck through your veins making you drop on your hands and knees in agony. Your muscles tensed and retracted as some horrific masked creature leered toward you.

Your eyes widened unable to get to your feet fast enough as your muscles kept spasming. You couldn't even perform any jutsus for it kept cancelling out your earth-shadow style.

Oh no..

You fought through the pain forcing yourself to try and get to your feet but kept falling back down.

Itachi x Reader Going Off the Deep EndWhere stories live. Discover now