Itachi Part 13 Going Off the Deep End

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You weren't sure how much time had passed but one thing were certain.. You and Itachi were now completely on your own. The rest of the Akatsuki members had departed in their given pairs to persue the assigned Jinchūriki.

It felt so simple to just run off with Itachi now that the two of you were reunited. A part of you knew it would not be so simple. Or could it? You and Itachi were immensely strong together.. Perhaps Obito would even let you go..

Your mind drifted in thought feeling conflicted over the whole situation as you walked through the dark forest.

You weren't far off from Itachi. It were raining as you walked ahead of him scoping out the surrounding area as you went. Itachi preferred to keep an eye at the rear.

There weren't much in the way of traps as the village you were headed hadn't really anticipated such an attack. You knew how to slip in well too seeing as you and the others had done so just recently.

You recall coming here in recruitment of Deidara. To Iwagakure; the Hidden Stone village.

You glanced over your shoulder giving Itachi the smallest of smiles which he returned but you watched that smile drop as his eyes shifted behind you.

One minute you were taking another step forward the next someone had seized hold of your arm and wrenched you through a portal.

You watched as Itachi shouted out running toward you with his hand outstretched moments before you got whisked away.

The floor beneath your feet shifted to that of hard tile as you looked around in surprise.

The entire space were different. It felt like a dark and empty with nothing but cubic platforms that dropped down into the emptiness below.

Whoever it were that had brought you here had to quickly shift on their feet to dodge what had narrowly missed their shoulder. You heard the sound of metal clang against the tile and a soft chuckle for response.

"Even in a split second he still managed to launch a deadly accurate shuriken at me" a familiar voice rang in your ear.


"He isn't your average shinobi.. I'd best be careful when going an stealing what belongs to him" he stated amusedly.

He released your arm so you could turn around and face him. To your surprise he weren't only using his regular voice with you but he had removed his mask to look at you. Wherever this place were it were free from anyone's surveillance.

You'd known of his abilities however he had never actually brought you here before..

His eyes searched through you like he were mulling something over.

"I remember the first time we met.. How driven you were to protect us Uchiha. Even though we were complete strangers you instantly took my side y/n." 

You drew a little closer to him clearly concerned of where he were taking this.

"Obito.." you trailed trying to get a read on him.

Itachi x Reader Going Off the Deep EndWhere stories live. Discover now