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"I'm so sorry- they didn't make it"
"Their injuries were too far along, we couldn't get to them fast enough"
"We are calling a psychologist to help you break the news to your brother"
"They didn't feel any pain"

I ignored the words, staring to my hands, which sat on the table in front of me.


My parents and baby sister- all dead.

I exhaled, making eye contact with the lady who sat infront of me.

"I have to go get my brother." I told her calmly.

"We sent an officer to get him already." She told me firmly, making me nod slowly.

"Even Eve is gone?" I asked, praying that maybe it wasn't true.

Maybe God didn't take her from me.

"The car took the most impact on her and your mothers side- they were the first to go. Your dad was the only one still alive when they came in, but we just couldn't do anything more." She repeated the same yet again.

I nodded slowly, clearing my throat.

"But since your turn twenty next week, meaning you're already of the legal age to live alone, if you can work things out, you will receive custody of your brother so that he won't have to go to fostering homes or-" "yeah." I stopped her talking.

"I need to be alone." I told her shortly after, seeing her nod.

"Our hospital psychologist will be in shortly to speak with you."

I didn't want to speak.

I unlocked my phone, immediately seeing the screen I was on before I got the phone call that made me drop everything, leaving my little brother at his football practice, rushing to the nearest hospital.

I text one of my close friends, who I had called in a panic once I was told my family was involved in a horrible accident

Everyone is dead.

Just as I locked my phone again, a small knock came from the door before it opened.

"Hi" the voice spoke quietly.

I looked, seeing a man.
He had curly hair, a firm smile with dimples.
I didn't respond to his hi.

"My name is Doctor Irwin, but you can call me Ashton, I'm a psychologist along with a few other things." He spoke carefully, sitting in front of me.

"I know you've been told some horrible information-" "how am I supposed to tell my little brother that his family is dead?" I asked him, seeing his soft eyes stare to me.

"How old is your brother?" He asked me calmly.

"Fifteen." I responded swiftly.

He then went over multiple different ways I could tell him, none seeming good enough.

"Or I could stay and help you." He spoke after I didn't respond for several minutes.

Before I could even think, the door opened and I saw my brother, his face concerned, holding his football gear still, looking to me.

"Sissy." He used the nickname Eve had made up for me.

"Jacob." I stood, hugging him tightly.

He held me tighter than he had ever.

"What's going on- the cop told me mom and dad were hurt?" He spoke rapidly, making me hold his face gently, trying to make words.

"Jacob" the doctor who's name I had already forgotten spoke.

"Why don't you both take a seat." We did as said.

"What's going on?" Jacob spoke again, his voice cracking- telling me he was preparing for the worst.

He needed to.

"Your mom, dad and baby sister were involved in a head on collision with a drunk driver." The doctor told him, making my knee bounce as he did.

"And I am so sorry, but they didn't make it." The words hurt more this time.

"Wait- they? All of them?" His voice panicked.

"Yes, all of them." He didn't sugar coat it.

Jacob fell onto my shoulder- breaking into sobs, making me hold him tightly.

I kissed his head, but I couldn't speak.

I couldn't trust my voice not to break.

"Ava" Jacob cried out, making eye contact with me.

"What's going to happen with us- are they taking us?" His voice purely panicked.

"No Jacob." I spoke firmly.

"They're never taking us from each other."

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