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Two weeks later.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked her as she cried for probably the fifth time today over the smallest thing, immediately starting to apologize as she did.

"Stop apologizing and tell me what's wrong. You've been upset all day" I told her calmly as I lifted her onto our bathroom counter, helping her wipe her tears.

"Nothing, I'm fine." She wiped her face, immediately putting on the smallest fake smile
for me.

"Okay, no- I'm canceling brunch with the guys." I told her, knowing she probably didn't even want to go out today if she felt this emotional, but yet that triggered tears immediately again.

"No Ashton- you guys have been talking about this brunch for days." She cried, making me immediately hug her, feeling her hold me tightly.

"Please just ignore me, I'm about to start my period. Let's just get ready and go to brunch." She spoke sternly.

"I don't want to go to brunch anymore, I want you to stay home and be comfortable-" "I am comfortable Ash, and you guys never get Friday's off- please, let's just go."

I hated seeing her cry.

I kissed her lips gently, feeling her grab my shirt immediately as I did.

I disconnected the kiss, letting my forehead touch hers seeing her immediately lean her body forward to kiss me again, making me smile.

"You promise me that you're okay?" I asked her calmly.

"I promise" she told me firmly.

So we continued to get ready.

I changed and fixed my hair, seeing her soon flat ironing her hair, wearing just jeans and a bralette.

I hugged her from behind, seeing her immediately smile.

I watched as she put on a crop top, glancing to me

"I look okay?" She asked me calmly.

"Absolutely gorgeous." I told her.

She hugged me tightly, letting me kiss her forehead gently.

"You sure you're okay?" I asked her, seeing her slowly nod.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

We went downstairs, myself grabbing my keys before taking her hand, opening her door for her before getting in the car myself.

She held my hand the entire drive, sitting much quieter than usual, but I let her.

Suddenly a song came on and it's like a flip switched in Ava.

"Change it" she quickly spoke

And before I could even get to the button to change it, she was crying again.

"Okay, no" I quickly spoke, immediately pulling over into a gas station parking lot, turning the radio off completely.

"You have to talk to me, what's wrong baby?" I asked her, hugging her over the compartment between us.

"Stop- I'm trying not to ruin brunch, ashton" she cried out to me.

"We aren't doing brunch, babygirl. Now talk to me, are you not feeling well?" I asked her and she looked to me, exhaling.

"It's Eve's fifth birthday." She choked out.

My heart broke for her immediately.

"And I forgot that it was her birthday until first thing this morning when I checked Facebook and then I realized that I don't think I can remember the sound of her voice." She cried out to me, making me immediately hug her as tightly as I could.

"Oh my baby." I spoke to her calmly, kissing her as many times as I could.

"I don't want to forget her, Ash" she cried.

"You won't, baby." I told her calmly.

"You will always remember her because she is always in your heart, and will forever stay there." I told her.

"Come on- I don't want to ruin brunch." I noticed she was immediately trying to act like none of this bothered her anymore, wiping her tears and nodding to me as if she didn't just tell me how sad she was.

"No baby" I told her firmly.

"How about we bring Eve some birthday flowers and spend the rest of the day at home, watching movies and maybe looking through some old pictures? Whatever you want to do." I told her calmly, seeing her look to me.

"I'd like that."

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