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"I'm not going to lie to you, Luke. I know you love her, but you're being extremely dramatic." I told him after he explained to me quickly that Sierra was hormonal and called him crying- saying she wanted him to go home.

"I don't care, she wants me home- I'm going home." He spoke sternly, grabbing his bag out of his temporary locker, looking to me as if asking if I was going to do the same.

"Stop making rash decisions- you know if we leave right now, especially before contacting anyone about what's going on, we will most definitely get written up- if not suspended-" "so you're telling me that if Ava called you right now, crying and begging you to come home, that you wouldn't drop everything to get home to her?"

He had a point, I most definitely would.

"How about-" i exhaled at my idea.

"How about we make the girls come to us."

After multiple phone calls to Ava- waking her up and having to deal with multiple questions about why I was asking her to come to us, she soon told me that she was helping Sierra pack.

"The girls will be on the way shortly, they'll make it here just in time for us to be getting off."


"It's almost like a miniature girls trip- how exciting" Sierra smiled as we got into my car, the two of us smiling to each other as I started it.

"Let's go meet our boys."

The first three hours of the ride went pretty smoothly, following the directions that the GPS gave us to the guys hotel.

We stopped a few times for snacks and bathroom breaks, texting the guys updates as we did.

We were soon heading into the town that the guys were working in and almost immediately got into traffic, which made everything seem much longer.

Sierra and I sang along to one of the songs on the radio, myself focusing the to car infront of me.

And I felt completely calm

Until I suddenly felt a strong force hit us from behind

I'm not sure what happened in between these moments, but I know that when I was finally able to focus, I could hear Sierra yelling my name and I could tell that we had been hit from behind and pushed into the car in front of us.

"Ava! We have to get out!" She screamed to me, making me finally look to her as I unhooked my seatbelt.

"W-we're okay." I managed to speak.

Suddenly my door opened and a lady stood there, shocked expression on her face.

"Are you two okay?" She asked me.

I think so?

"Come on Ava, let's get out- I don't think it's safe to stay in here." Sierra panicked, getting out of her side and in seconds she was standing at my door with the other lady.

"Come on Ava- your car is smoking- please get out." Sierra spoke, making me pull my body out of the car, the random lady putting a hand on both of us as we walked away from the scene.

I stared to the two vehicles that my car was sandwiched between.

"Are the other people okay? Did they die?" I heard a lady, who I assumed was the lady driving the vehicle that hit us from behind.

Suddenly, those words triggered me

This is how my family died

This is what killed them

The same fear that I am feeling right now is the same fear that my four year old sister felt.

"Sierra?" I spoke, interrupting her conversation with the random lady, who I assumed was on a phone call with the police.

"Yes Ava? Are you okay?" She asked me, both of us grabbing each other, making eye contact.

"I really need Ashton."

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