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I spent the next five hours in meeting with my lawyers, Luke sitting in with me thankfully, because this was a mess.

"I hate to say it- but I agree with what the board member was saying. They don't have much of a case at all, but they have something if they end up getting proof that Ava was a patient of yours before she started seeing you-" "they don't have any proof of that- it would literally be a violation of Ava's HIPPA laws for that to be released." I argued back with them.

They weren't taking her away from me.

"Well is there anyway Ava could've or would've disclosed that information with anyone? Is there any chance that this could legally come out of this leads to a trial?" Another lawyer asked.

"Not to be rude" Luke spoke, glancing to me.

"But we are literally Ava's only friends. I've never seen her hang out with anyone since her brother passed away, there's no way in hell they can legally use her being Ashton's patient against us." He spoke, speaking the truth.

"Okay" the main lawyer gave in.

"Then they don't have any case- we had Jeffrey review all of the records and tapes and there's no indication whatsoever that you and Sarah ever spoke about anything other than her case, they have nothing." The lawyer shrugged.

"I could've told you guys that from my hotel in Malibu."

I went to my office, where Ava was asleep on the couch.

"Are Sarah and her parents still here?" I asked Luke, seeing him slowly nod.

"Sarah is still in a room, but her parents have been walking the halls all night, the hospital had security staying close to them just in case they were looking for one of us."

"Great." I spoke, knowing that I was tired as hell and did not want to have to deal with screaming parents on my way out.

I woke up Ava, who was still confused- but more than ready to be home.

She held my arm as we walked out, my body immediately stiffening when I saw the familiar faces of the parents who were causing me so much hell over a false accusation.

"Oh- so this is the girl you broke my daughters heart over!" The mom immediately yelled

"Stop" Luke immediately spoke, my own body grabbing Ava, trying to get her out the door even quicker.


"I understand that you are hurting, but feeding into this situation that your daughter has essentially made up, isn't going to make any of this better or easier for her." I tried to explain to them what was going on.

Sarah had a history of making up situations and living according to those situations or even determining how her day will go according to the situation, it's what made me pull Ashton on her case, because she needed psychological help with it, but I would've never imagined her creating a scenario where her and Ashton were in love with each other, without ever having even discussed this with Ashton.

"She did not make it up- she tells us about dates he took her on here, lunch dates where they ate in his office together-" "Mr and Mrs Miller, I need you to understand this." I spoke, knowing the chief was directly behind me so I wasn't worried about them twisting my words.

"Your daughter is very sick, which we have discussed before. Her brain is not like ours, she has several disorders that scrambles and makes up scenarios that she bases her life off of." I reiterated something I had told both of them about, several times.

"This situation- with Ashton, is one of those. We have listened to each and every one of their appointments, and there is nothing but discussion about her disorders- she never even mentions liking Ashton. She created the situation, involved herself in it to an extreme point and when she found out that ashton was on vacation with another girl- she had a breakdown." I explained to them slowly, seeing them glance to each other.

"Do as you wish with this situation, but do not be shocked when you listen to the tapes and realize what I am telling you."

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