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I woke up around nine, checking on all the guys, seeing that Calum was the only one to return home and that the other guys stayed here.

I covered Michael with a blanket- seeing that he was only covered with one of my hoodies, which I knew wasn't much coverage.

I looked into Ashton's room, seeing him sleeping which made me go back to my room.

I prepared to shower, changing the blade on my razor and grabbing all of my clothes.

I played music as I washed my hair and shaved.

Just as I rushed through finishing shaving my legs, I suddenly felt a sharp burning sensation across my knee

I had cut myself.

I immediately saw blood, making me curse, quickly washing the conditioner out of my hair before turning the water off.

I was bleeding quite bad, but razor cuts always bled pretty bad, so I didn't panic- I put a towel over it, applying pressure before wrapping my hair and body in a towel as well.

After sitting on my bathroom toilet for about thirty minutes and bleeding through a towel- I realized that this was most likely beyond me at this point.

I texted Ash

Hey no biggy or anything, but I cut myself shaving and can't make it stop bleeding so when you wake up, come see me please

I quickly changed into a pair of Nike shorts, spreading my blood all over my leg in the process,

I got a bralette on and seconds after that- I saw Ashton appear in the door way.

"It's bad?" He asked before anything else, moving closer to me.

"I don't think so- I just can't stop the bleeding." I told him, feeling him grab my arm gently.

And before he said another word- he picked me up quickly, making me grab him.

"This is dramatic" I immediately laughed out, looking to him and seeing him smile.

"Me? Dramatic? No" he quickly spoke back bringing me into the kitchen, setting me on the counter.

He pulled the towel away and I looked to his face rather than the cut and I knew- it was probably a little worse than what I was imagining.

He covered it back quickly, making direct eye contact with me.

"It's bad?" I asked, and I could immediately tell me was trying to play it off.

"No." He spoke, I suddenly felt more pressure on the cut, telling me that he was trying to stop the bleeding.

"You're lying." I told him firmly.

"No I'm not." He argued right back to me and before I could say another word I heard him say a small, "Luke, mind coming to check this out?"

"I don't have a shirt on" I reminded him as he looked to the living room, waiting for Luke to join us before looking back to me.

"I'll get you one as soon as he can get in here to hold pressure." He told me calmly.

Suddenly Luke joined us, ashton quickly showing him the cut, which just confirmed that it was pretty bad.

"You did that shaving?" He asked quickly, his eyes wide as his hands took the place of Ashton's, Ashton leaving the room.

"Yeah" I exhaled, seeing him look to his hands before back to me.

"Well- luckily for you, I am very good at stitches."

Ashton carefully put a shirt over my head, letting me put my arms through it before putting one on himself, looking to Luke

"Let's go."


I carried her into the hospital, feeling her head lean on my shoulder, relaxing into my body.

We got her into the first bed we could get, thankfully it wasn't busy.

I held her hands tightly as Luke numbed her and prepped everything.

"You okay?" Luke asked as he positioned the light and everything to start.

"Yes, I'm good" she nodded firmly.

She held my hands through all seven of her stitches.

"Okay, so this is a pretty bad spot to have stitches. No strenuous activities, try not to get them excessively wet- Ashton knows the deal so I don't feel the need to go into details." He waved his hand lightly, smiling lightly as he glanced to me before back to her knee.

Soon he had her wrapped up and we immediately left to grab breakfast before going back to our house.

After we all ate breakfast together- Michael and Luke returned to their homes, leaving Ava and i watching a movie.

"You feel okay?" I asked her, referring to her knee, which she gave me an immediate nod to.

I glanced to her as she focused to the movie- her side profile being absolutely perfect.

Her little nose
The dimples on her cheeks every time she grinned
Her little moles and freckles perfectly splattered across her face

Why are you thinking like this?

Don't let Michael's drunk words get into your head.

Suddenly she looked to me, smiling

"What?" She asked quickly.

"Nothing, nothing at all"

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