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I woke up to the sound of a distant alarm going off.

I sat up- immediately confused by my surroundings, but quickly realizing that I was at Ashton's.

And I had slept, so fucking good
I don't even think I had dreams, just time for my brain to shut down, it was amazing.

I drug myself up, I'm search of the alarm so that maybe I could go back to sleep.

I found myself following the noise into the living room, where one of the four phone on the table was causing the noise, four bodies laying in different areas of the living room, not one body bothered by the noise.

But yet, it managed to wake me up all the way in the guest room.

I didn't want to just turn the alarm off, so I found the body closest to me- knowing it was Michael and I touched him gently, immediately making his eyes open, almost startling me for a moment.

"Alarm" I spoke one word to him as he appeared to almost resurrect from the couch, hitting the off button on the alarm before rubbing his eyes, looking to me.

"Thanks kid" he exhaled, letting out a small stretch, hitting a body that I didn't recognize in the process.

"Stop." She body spoke firmly, making an amused look immediately enter Michael's face.

From that point on, I watched Michael continually poke, slap, tickle and speak to this person, who responded with nothing but curse words and tried to scoot away, failing each time.

"Michael- I'm going to beat your as-" the person stopped once they saw me laughing with Michael.

"You're encouraging this madness?" He smiled to me, pointing to Michael.

"That's my sidekick." Michael spoke for me with a firm grip.

Within ten minutes, the guys had managed to piss off each other, but yet they were all up and moving.

Ashton hugged me tightly once he was up, exhaling quietly.

"You can go back to bed if you need, I don't have work today so we don't have s time schedule." He hummed before popping his back and sitting back down on the couch.

I sat right beside him.

We soon watched all of the guys leave.

Ashton then made a few calls about selling the house and having people move everything out of it, everything seeming to go swiftly.

"So they're going to move all of the stuff into storage containers by next week, so we need to go get everything you want right now soon, and then the house should be on the market by the end of the month and they're expecting it to most likely sell quickly." He informed me of all the details, making me nod slowly.

"So, we probably need to focus on planning everything for your brother today" he told me, which I knew was coming.

"Yeah" I agreed quietly.

And after he asked me if I was okay more than ten times, we soon got ready separately, meeting back in the living room and himself driving me straight to the funeral home I had just been in maybe a month before all of this.

From there, he helped me through all the arrangements

The picking of the casket
The picking of the flowers
The picking of the outfit
The picking of the pictures
The picking of the music

All the little details that didn't really matter, but yet we were forced to do.

We planned it for a closed casket service, two days from now.

And it was all going to be okay

It was going to continue to hurt like hell

But it was okay.

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