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I took her to a flower shop, petting her look through multiple options before picking a set with a rainbow rose in the very middle.

"Eve would love this."

So we got it.

I took her to the graveyard, letting her replace the flowers for her, touching the letters of her name on the headstone calmly.

"This is not how we should be celebrating your fifth birthday, babygirl." I heard her voice crack, so I walked up behind her, rubbing her shoulders gently.

We sat there for about thirty minutes, Ava looking over each grave, talking to them calmly.

"I know that you guys are celebrating her birthday in Heaven, and don't get me wrong- I love being here with Ash, but I'd do anything to be celebrating with you guys."

She cried on the drive home, letting me comfort her by rubbing her back and holding her hands or thigh.

We got home, I moved to the couch with her, pulling her to sit in my lap, which she didn't hesitate to do, just letting me hold her tightly.

"Can we look at pictures and stuff?" She ended up asking me calmly.

"Anything you want." I told her firmly.

She came to me with a box from "her" room, giving me the smallest smile as she sat beside me.

This truly seemed to cheer her up.

She went through each picture, explaining what was happening that day- if she could remember- laughing at most of the detail, showing me them.

Soon the box was empty and she returned the photos, bringing them back to her room before returning to me, straddling me and letting me hold her body into my own.

"Anything else that you want to do today, baby?" I asked her carefully, playing with the ends of her hair.

"Can we get pizza?"

"Of course"

I ordered a pizza and we cuddled on the couch, putting on a documentary as we waited for it to be delivered.

"I'm sorry that I ruined your Friday off" she spoke quietly into my chest, making me immediately kiss her forehead.

"It was in no way ruined, I wouldn't want to spend my friday with anyone else."

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