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The next day we spent the beginning of the day exploring Malibu, myself falling in love with the scenery and people.

We took several hikes, taking way too many pictures that Ashton would continually complain about.

"This is so- relaxing." I exhaled as we stared off at the ocean from a high point of view.


I smiled to her as she looked to the view, her smile never dropping.

"God- Eve would love it here, I wish I could've brought her." She spoke, making me put my arm around her, feeling her immediately move closer to me.

"She's here with us." I told her, feeling her head hit my shoulder as she nodded slowly.

After taking a few pictures- which she demanded- I knew our reservations were coming up and that she needed plenty of time to get ready, so we started making the hike back.

We soon got to the hotel where she immediately showered and began getting ready, color coordinating our outfits and everything.


I threw on the silk, mid thigh dress, wanting to immediately cry at the sight of my bloated stomach- but I didn't.

I held strong.

As I did my makeup, Ashton entered with a smile.

"You look gorgeous" he smiled, making me smile to him.

"Thank you."

He played music off of his phone, focusing to it and the lyrics as I did my make up, making sure everything looked symmetrical and good.

I put curl product into my hair, letting my natural curls come out as Ashton left to go change, sensing that I was about to be finished.

I put on my rings and earrings before running to Ashton with my necklaces- he already knew the drill because I always make him put my necklaces on.

I held my hair as he did so, smiling at his results.

And soon, we left, ash driving us to the very fancy restaurant that he demanded we eat at.

And to say the least- it was gorgeous.

Probably one of the most fancy restaurants I had ever been to.

But that did not stop Ashton and i from cracking jokes, shooting the straw papers at each other and anything else that felt normal for us.

I laughed as he came to my side of the booth after we ate, declaring that it should be normal for two people to sit on one side of a booth rather than across from each other.

He did not get my agreement.

We left the restaurant shortly after that, Ashton shocking me when he stopped a random guy outside, asking him to take a picture of the two of us.

"Someone is starting to like the pictures, isn't he?" I laughed as he swiped through the ones the man took, smiling as he did.

"I couldn't pass up the opportunity- it was Christmas lights and we match."

He held my heels as we walked on the beach, pointing out stars and the moon to each other

Then suddenly I saw four stars, lined up in a perfectly straight line

Hey guys.

I held Ashton's arm as I put my heels back on, us deciding to head back to the hotel- passing several street performers and bars.

"See- this- this is a cute couple!" A random guy suddenly spoke- stopping Ashton and i in our tracks as he clearly was trying to prove something to the guy he was speaking to.

"They're matching, she's holding his arm, he's walking closest to the street- they're perfect!" He yelled, clearly in a drunken state, which almost made me laugh.

"Thanks man" Ashton laughed awkwardly, just trying to get us out of this situation.

"How long have you two been a thing- I have to know!" He yelled, making Ashton and I immediately look to each other, myself laughing as we did.

"We uh- we aren't." Ashton joined me in lightly laughing, slowly trying to maneuver around the man so that we could continue our walk to the hotel.

"Come on man- you have the perfect girl- you're both matching, what are you two waiting on!" The guy almost yelled as he looked between the two of us.

"We gotta get going man." Ashton spoke, fully putting his arm around me, pulling me closer to him as we finally made our way around the man, Ashton laughing lightly as the man continued to yell "put a ring on it!" as we ignored.

We got into the hotel where we were thankfully able to laugh about the awkward situation

"I mean- I guess we kinda do look like a couple." I laughed, motioning to our color coordinating outfits, myself holding Ashton's arm consistently and just us being on a vacation- just me and him- could've been taken that way.

Ashton shook his head as he smiled to me

"I have absolutely no clue what we are doing." He laughed, making me laugh to him as well

"If it makes you feel better, I don't know either."

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