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Two weeks later.

"I still don't know why I wasn't invited." Michael spoke, rolling his eyes as he hugged Ava, stopping her from finishing packing her bags.

"Because- it's just an us trip." I told him for the thousandth time.

He rolled his eyes to me, letting me grab Ava's bag for her, ensuring that she had everything packed.

I got our bags in my car, continually rushing her out of the guys conversation and into the car.

"We will see you in five days- no big deal." I spoke to the guys, hugging each of them.

"Have fun- don't do anything I wouldn't do." Michael spoke for the group as I got into the car, smiling to Ava.

"Ready?" I asked, watching her nod.

"Let's get this six hour ride over with."

To say the least, that six hour ride was not kind to us.

But we made the best of it.

We sang, we danced, had great stretch breaks.

"And the hotel should be on the right" she told me, watching the GPS on her phone, making me turn into the hotel.

Malibu, California.

An Oceanside hotel, no plans at all, just here to relax.

We got all checked in, setting our bags up before deciding to immediately go to the beach.


I got into my swimsuit, putting a pair of shorts over the bottoms just to talk to the beach, joining Ash who was throwing a shirt on before smiling to me.

We spent the entire day at the beach.

We played volleyball with strangers, we surfed, tanned, bought fruit from a stand nearby.

It was so peaceful.

"What do you want to do for dinner?" He asked me, as I sat on our towels, suddenly feeling extremely tired. 

"Whatever you want" I shrugged out, not honestly having an opinion.

"How about fast food tonight since we have reservations tomorrow night?" He asked me, which I of course agreed to.

We ended up at McDonald's, myself getting chicken nuggets proudly before we went back to the hotel.

"I forgot how much I hate McDonald's." Ashton laughed towards his meal, making me smile.

"I was raised on McDonald's."

After we each showered, myself braiding my hair as he showered, we soon got close to each other to watch a movie that he had rented.

I listened to his heartbeat as the scary movie played, himself laughing at the scariest parts while I was closing my eyes- hiding from the jump scares.

"You can't close your eyes!" Ashton yelled once he figured out what I was doing, making me laugh into his chest, still trying to hide my face until we made eye contact

"It's just a movie- and either way, I wouldn't let anything hurt you."

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