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"Where the Fuck is Ava?" I spoke to michael as soon as I saw him, I had been looking for Ava for over twenty minutes and not a soul had seen her.

"She went to her room not long after her and I were chatting." Luke told me calmly, making me groan

I had just checked her room.

I went to her room again, immediately feeling worried when she wasn't anywhere to be seen- her phone plugged up on her bedside table.

"She's okay." I soon heard Calum say from beside me, making me turn to him quickly.

"She took her medicines- which are much too high for her- and was feeling sick because she couldn't sleep and was trying to make herself like outside. I made her stop and brought her to my place, stayed with her until she fell asleep." He told me calmly, making me immediately relieved.

"A text would've been nice- I've been worried sick the past twenty minutes-" "she a good kid." He interrupted me, nodding slowly.

I nodded in agreement.

"I hate that she's going through what she's going through, but yet she is still really appreciative and kind." He finished.

"Yeah- she is." I spoke in agreement.

"You broke a lot of hospital protocols with what you did, but I don't blame you for a second. What you did and are continually doing for her- is great." He patted my shoulder as he finished.

"I don't know about you, but I'm ready for this party to be over." I exhaled, seeing him smile.

"Ava and I both agree with you."

So due to that, we slowly and kindly started kicking people out.

One by one, they left, some complaining, some ordering Ubers.

I covered a sleeping Michael on my couch, laughing as his drunken- sleeping state.

"Okay- I'll come get Ava from your house."

Calum and I walked together, immediately going to his room where Ava was curled up, hard core asleep, not even waking when we touched her

She whined when I lifted her, feeling her dead weight body hit my chest, making me laugh.

"Yeah- the sleeping medicines might be a bit much." I agreed with Calum.

He walked back with us to assist me with doors, carrying her clothes for her.

I got her in bed, covering her up and I swear, she didn't wake up for a second.

I quietly shut her door as we left her, myself thanking Calum.

"If you need anything else tonight, just give me a call" he spoke as he headed to the door.

"You as well."

I almost immediately got in bed, exhaling as I looked to the roof, wondering if Ava even had fun tonight.

About an hour later, just as I was about to make myself sleep- I heard the quietest knock

I immediately got up, opening the door- seeing Ava's small body, drowning in Calum's clothes- but immediately hearing that she was crying, making me turn my light on.

"What's wrong?" I asked quickly, pulling her into a tight hug.

"I dreamed that he was standing over me and I swear when I opened my eyes- he was still there."

She was shaking.
Sleep paralysis.

I stayed awake with her and kept the lights on, holding her and explaining to her how sleep paralysis worked and that it was all just a dream.

"It felt real." She sobbed into my chest, making me hug her even tighter.

"I'm so sorry that you had to deal with that, lovebug." I told her calmly, wanting nothing but for her to just relax.

"Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" I offered after I felt her still shaking, not seeming to want to let me go in the slightest.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable-" "if it was going to make me uncomfortable, I wouldn't have offered. I don't want you to be scared and I want you to sleep, if being with me will help you with that, that's what I want you to do." I explained to her slowly, honestly wanting her to stay with me after that, just in case she had another one- I might be able to wake her faster.

"Then yes, I'd like to stay with you."

So that's what we did.

I kept a lamp on in her corner of the room, just to make sure she felt comfortable and I pulled my blankets over her, feeling her scoot slightly closer to my hold, but yet not touching me.

"Wake me up if you need anything at all, okay?" I told her calmly, rubbing her back gently since she faded away from me, myself watching her nod

"Thank you, ash"

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