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"There's no way Luke is going to discharge you, it's also four in the morning-" "I can leave if I sign a waiver saying that I left against medical advice." She pointed out the obvious.

"You can but-" "ashton, I have to go."

What was she in such a rush for?

I told the nurse what she wanted to do which caused them to page Luke, who came in- clearly having just awoken, more than confused.

"You're leaving to go clean?" He asked for the third time.

"Yes." She spoke firmly.

"Why don't you just hire someone to do that for you, I'm not sure that you need to be the one to do that?" He spoke gently, trying to not upset her, but she was back in her emotionless state,

"I have to pay for my brothers entire funeral and insurance doesn't cover suicide, so I'd like to save all the money that I can-" "I'd literally rather pay for someone to do that for you." Luke told her firmly, catching her off guard.

"Ava" he spoke, guiding her to sit in her bed, himself sitting in front of her, her looking to me, making me touch her shoulder for comfort.

"I do not think you are mentally or physically capable of doing what you are trying to do right now." He told her calmly.

"Your blood pressure was concerningly high yesterday, we were scared that you were putting yourself into a heart attack. You have not grieved over this, you've barely grieved over your parents, you're very young." He spoke slowly.

"I think you need to slow down and let your brain catch up, because right now, you are most likely still in shock and your lack of sleep isn't helping." He was right.

She looked to me, and I nodded in agreement, making her exhale.

"I'm scared that if I don't clean it now, while I'm in whatever state that I'm in currently, then I won't be able to go back to the house, ever." She admitted to us.

I rubbed her back gently, feeling her almost lean onto my shoulder.

"How about this." I compromised.

"You stay here under observation for as long as Luke wants you to, I'll get someone to go clean it for you, I'll go grab you some clothes and anything else you need from the house and then when you are cleared by Luke and I to go back, we will go back together and figure out what you want to do." I told her slowly.

After a few moments of hesitation, she nodded


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