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"Okay i know that I can't know most of the details because of HIPPA, but if there something I need to know?" Ava spoke right after she heard the what the parents said, as we got into the car.

"This is a very long story that I promise you I am going to explain every detail that I legally can to you as soon as we get home."

Thankfully, Luke joined us shortly after, exhaling as I started to drive

"I think I may have fixed that entire situation for us."

I surely fucking hope so.

We got home, Luke immediately going to his place as Ava and I unpacked and went into ours.

"I promise that I am going to make the vacation up to you- I'm so sorry that we had to leave two days early-" "it's no big deal, ash, I'm not mad- I promise."

We ended up in her bed, cuddling and myself explaining everything that happened to the best of my ability, without saying too much.

"I don't know how you do your job" she told me quietly after several minutes of us just holding each other silently.

"I love my job- just not moments like this," I told her calmly.

"I just- are you okay?" She asked me quickly, sitting up to actually look at my face.

"Like I think it's just hitting me, but you're constantly surrounded with death or trauma- are you okay?" I could tell that she was genuinely concerned.

"I'm okay, I promise." I told her, tucking hair behind her ear.

"Would you tell me if you ever weren't okay?" She asked me immediately after.

"Yes, you will be the absolute first person I come to." I spoke, seeing her smile, feeling her lay back down, her arm laying across my chest as she did.

Throughout the day we took multiple naps, ate tons of snacks and binge watched almost every season of Stranger Things, becoming way too emotionally invested in a Netflix movie.

Then suddenly I got a text from my lawyer

Dear Doctor Irwin and Hemmings,

The family of Sarah Miller has informed me that they are dropping all threats of a lawsuit after listening to the recorded therapy sessions between Doctor Irwin and Sarah. They have asked me to inform you that they are extremely apologetic and will seek different medical attention for Sarah. Hope you both have a good weekend.

I hate that we were losing her as a patient, because we were genuinely making so much progress, but there was only so many options of what to do after a situation like that.

I told Ava as many details as I could, and I could immediately tell she was relieved about the little bit of information that she did know.

"So no lawsuit for you and she's okay?" Ava asked slowly.

"No lawsuit for me, and she's going to be okay- yes." I confirmed.

"Then everything it okay." She spoke back to me, resting her head on my shoulder as she did.

"Everything is just perfect."

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